In this blog post, we will talk about The Ways Video Games Influence the Learning Process. Many parents wonder if video games are good for their children’s mental health.
There are diehard believers of video games who claim that playing games are very beneficial as it develops certain skills in children. But mental health professionals say otherwise.
They claim that playing video games can cause anger issues. It’s also one of the factors that influence the learning process. As a college student who likes to play video games, it’s important to know how this activity affects the way you learn.
The Ways Video Games Influence the Learning Process

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Changes the structure of the brain, especially in young children
The early years of development are when the brain is at its most elastic. Young kids can absorb information better. It means that they learn more efficiently. This is a crucial junction that parents should be rightly concerned about.
To ensure proper cognitive development, there must be a balance between study time and gaming time. Research has shown that video games or computer games can affect the shape and structure of the brain.
Children who play video games regularly have a positive impact on the parts of the brain that control visuospatial perception and attention skills.
Those who play in moderation can tune up their brain’s reasoning better. They have better problem-solving capabilities too. These children also possess better perception and hand-eye coordination skills.
They even have an improved ability to process information faster, multitask, and make decisions. This benefit is more applicable to young children. But it’s still worth considering if you play a lot of video games now.
Learn more about video games through essays
Playing games can affect your brain in different ways. This is one activity that a lot of students take part in because it’s fun and relaxing. But if you’re worried about negative effects, take time to learn more about gaming.
Read sample essays in GradesFixer, as this handy video games essay examples site will give you plenty of insights regarding the pros and cons of playing video games. With this knowledge, you can make better decisions in terms of how much time to spend playing video games.

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Provides a way to interact with others
The entertainment value and fun-time aspects of video games benefit mental health. Playing video games also provides a way to interact with others.
Do this by becoming part of an online community. In such a community, it’s possible to work together toward the completion of a common goal. Today, our society experiences an epidemic of solitude. Playing games can be your way to connect with other people.
Use this as a means to interact with people who are otherwise challenging to connect with. Use it as a way to connect with friends and family from the other side of the world. The best part is you’ll do this by having fun.
Improve the learning process through game-based learning
Video games have also made their way into the educational system. Rather than only relying on books, teachers have introduced game-based learning. They use video games to share knowledge with their students.
Gaming breathes life into education. It transforms the learning process into something enjoyable. As a student, you may find it easier to retain information without feeling pressured.
Learning through games is also highly motivational. When engaged in gaming, you become the main character in the story. Your success gets rewarded with extra lives, medals, bonuses, and more.
Gaming also gives plenty of opportunities to practice. The knowledge you acquire through gaming helps you learn without getting into risky situations. An example of this is through navigation or flight simulators.
Excessive gaming may cause anxiety
For those who do nothing but play games, getting addicted could cause anxiety. This applies to students of all ages. When playing games all the time, you can’t do the things you should accomplish.
Feelings of anxiety won’t arise because of the neglect. But the anxiety actually comes from the consequences of not dealing with responsibilities. In other words, the consequences lie in your future.
Playing video games won’t cause anxiety. But if they take over your life, that’s when things get bad. When you start neglecting other important tasks, it could lead to anxious thoughts.
It’s a misconception that video games always cause mental health issues. But you can still be a healthy gamer while enjoying video games recreationally.
By nature, video games aren’t bad. They don’t necessarily cause depression or anxiety. The problem lies with players who don’t know how to handle their emotions.
Over time, they end up suppressing their emotions through video games. As a consequence, they spend too much time playing instead of dealing with real life.
I hope you learned something from my article about The Ways Video Games Influence the Learning Process. If you have something you want to add, please leave me a comment below. Thank you!
Author’s Bio
Jessica C. Vang is a professional writer who works with a drive to help students who feel the enormous pressure of academic assignments.
She’s aware of the stress that non-stop college assignments cause, and this is why doing money writing is a secondary goal for her, her main focus is on providing the all-important assistance to students to complete their essays, dissertations, homework, and lab reports.