This post is all about 10 Simple Steps To Feel Like Yourself Again After Kids! It’s not easy becoming a mom. There are sleepless nights and endless days of playing with LEGOs and making up songs to entertain your kid. Let’s face it. Becoming a mom means losing yourself in so many ways.
You stop going out as often as you used to, and you don’t put makeup on anymore even though you used to beautify yourself daily.
You put your own needs on the back burner more often than is healthy, and trade in your entire wardrobe for leggings and a comfy tee!
And yes, once you have kids, there isn’t much time left for the things you love. Even though those were all things that were important parts of who you were pre-mom.
10 Simple Steps To Feel Like Yourself Again After Kids
But it’s not impossible to find yourself again after kids. Even if it takes some work. Below, you will find 10 Simple Steps To Feel Like Yourself Again After Kids and how to have fun again.

Don’t Berate Yourself For Not Being “Back To Normal” Immediately
Becoming a mom is a huge life change, and it’s unrealistic to expect you to be back to your old self immediately. In fact, for some women, having kids is a chance to discover a new version of themselves — one that might even be more evolved than the person they were pre-kids.
And the sooner you can let go of the idea that you need to be “back to normal” immediately and start to enjoy the journey of discovering who you are now, the better.
That being said if taking the plunge to have an hourglass mommy makeover feels right for you. Then go for it. You get to dictate who you are after kids. No one else.
Everyone deals with significant life changes differently, and you might need more time to adjust to being a parent than others. Take your time, and don’t berate yourself if you need a little more time to find your groove again.
Make Your Health A Priority Too
Once you have kids, ensuring you’re eating right, taking care of your mental health, and getting enough sleep is even more important.
Why? Because you’re the one who’s going to be spending sleepless nights with a screaming baby. And you’re the one who has to deal with the aftermath of being too tired to do things right.
If certain areas of your health need to be prioritized more than others — like if you’re dealing with a chronic condition or have recently given birth — make sure you’re getting the help you need so you don’t have to worry as much.
Get Some Exercise — Even If It’s Just A Walk Outside
It’s all about boosting your confidence after baby. Because you’re not just a mom. There are so many sides to you, and it’s about getting back in touch with them.
Exercise is one of the best ways to relieve stress and feel more in control of your life. It’s a great way to clear your mind, and you don’t even have to spend much time doing it.
Keep a pair of sneakers close by, so you can sneak outside for a quick walk when you need a mental break. You don’t even have to join a gym or purchase protein bars or fancy sports bras. Just walk for 5-10 minutes at a brisk pace, and you’ll start to feel better almost immediately.
Commit To Taking Care Of Yourself, Mentally And Emotionally
Being a parent is a rollercoaster of emotions — and it doesn’t always let up when they aren’t actually kids anymore. Since you’re now responsible for the lives of two (or more) human beings, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. This is why committing to taking care of yourself is so important. Find a way to let go of the stress in your life.
Whether that’s meditation, yoga, journaling, reading, or something else, find a way to de-stress at least a couple of times a week. You might be the parent, but you also need a break from time to time.
Find A Support Group Of Other Moms
Many other moms would love your company, whether you’re a stay-at-home mom or a working mom. Find a local moms group, or reach out to the moms in your neighborhood and see if they’d be interested in getting together.
You can also find Facebook moms’ groups online. Or check out online forums where moms discuss everything from what strollers are best to tips on how to get your toddler to eat vegetables.
Find a way to meet other moms in your area who are going through what you’re going through — it’ll make you feel less alone, and you can bounce ideas off each other when facing challenges.
Let Go Of The Things You Can’t Change (For Now)
Yes, it’s great to get together with other moms and swap ideas to make your life easier. But you also need to accept that sometimes, you just can’t change everything about your life. There will be things that happen that you can’t control, and there will be things that you just have to let go of and accept.
You can’t control the fact that you have to take care of an infant or toddler full-time or that you have to deal with a colicky baby who cries all the time.
Let go of the things that you can’t change, and focus on the positives in your life. Acknowledge everything you’re doing right, and you might feel a lot better.
Write In A Gratitude Journal To Process Everything Going On Around You
Being a parent is insanely busy. You’re always on the go, and it’s easy to feel like you have no time for yourself. A gratitude journal is a great way to decompress, let go of the stress in your life, and focus on the positives instead.
It doesn’t have to be anything fancy — just grab a notebook and write down the things you’re grateful for daily. It can be as simple as “I’m grateful for the sun today” “I’m grateful for my children” or “I’m grateful for my sleep.”
Set Small, Attainable Goals For Yourself
Becoming a parent is a huge accomplishment — but it doesn’t mean that you’re done with your own dreams and aspirations.
In fact, it’s a great time to set new goals for yourself. But you don’t want to overwhelm yourself by trying to commit to too many things at once.
Instead, just set small goals for yourself that you can actually achieve. As you start to get more comfortable in your role as a parent, it’s a great idea to set goals for yourself that help you grow as a parent.
Have Some Fun: Feel Like Yourself Again After Kids
Do you remember fun from when you were younger? Well, it still exists. So make sure to carve out some time for you and your partner to do something fun that isn’t related to your children.
Just make sure to do it around the kids’ schedules. And don’t be offended if your kid wants to tag along for a few grown-up activities.
Eventually, they’ll get older and have their own fun to do. Plus, it’s good for your kids to see you having fun. It shows them that having a good time is essential and applicable to everyone.
It also helps them see that even though you’re a parent, you still have a life outside the house. Something you could consider doing if you love animals is being a volunteer at a wildlife center! I have always wanted to do that! We love animals in this house!
Discover What Makes You Feel Most Like Yourself Again — And Focus On That
Many things out there help you reignite your passions and rediscover and Feel Like Yourself Again After Kids. Maybe you always wanted to learn how to play the guitar, take a pottery class, write a novel, or volunteer at a place you love.
What do you love to do? What do you feel most passionate about? Make a list of all those things of how to Feel Like Yourself Again After Kids, then start working your way through the list and finding ways to make those passions a part of your life again.