This post is all about the 3 Things That You Didn’t Know that Impacted Your Health. When you think of health, the first thing that usually comes to mind is food and exercise.
While these factors do play a significant role in your health and well-being, there is also a range of other factors that are often neglected. Without considering all the things that can impact your health, you may hinder your progress without even realizing it.
Looking after your health isn’t just about losing weight. Your health plays an important role in your lifestyle, happiness, cognitive function, emotions, relationships, careers, physical well-being, mental health, and much more.
If you find that you are always tired, you lack the energy to do anything, and want to live a better life, your health could be the reason for the way you are feeling. If you can learn how to improve your health, you will see your entire life improve with it.
3 Things That You Didn’t Know That Impact Your Health
If you want to learn how to improve your health, or if you are working hard and are not sure why you aren’t seeing any progress yet, here are some top facts, and changes that you need to make, that may help you on your journey.
Social life
Did you know that social connections are critical to your health and can be just as impactful on your health as high blood pressure, smoking and obesity? Not only can a lack of social connections be detrimental to your health, but also the quality.
Good social connections have been shown to increase your lifespan, help you recover from illness and disease faster, and strengthen your immune system.
Loneliness has also been linked to exacerbating, or putting you at a higher risk of certain medical conditions, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, immune system, depression, and much more.
It’s not all about how many friends that you have, but the quality of connections that you make. As you get older, it can seem impossible to make friends, compared to the simple days at school and college.
Fortunately, there are plenty of people who feel the same and are open to making new connections. This means it might be much easier than you think.
Try going to some group activities in your local community, make new connections with chat line dating, or reach out to some old friends from your past. Small steps can make a huge difference, and you’ll feel a difference in no time. Find friends that make you smile, and keep you laughing. Those attributes in a connection can significantly boost your health!
Posture is a term used to describe the way that you hold your body when you are moving and sitting. Bad posture is when you hold yourself in a way that puts stress on your spine, joints, and muscles because it has been put in an unnatural position.
It is most likely to be impacted if you sit at a desk all day and it is something you should take into consideration because poor posture goes beyond a little backache.
Unfortunately, if you have poor posture, it can have a significant impact on your health. Slouching forward, even when you are walking or standing, can cause severe back pain, neck pain, spine curvature, headaches, and a lack of motivation and ability to focus.
It can also be extremely disruptive to your digestive system as it slows down the process and causes stomach issues, as well as disrupts your sleep as you cannot fully relax.
It is important that you take time to correct your posture, and focus on strengthening those muscles. Even if you don’t sit at a desk all day, you should check your posture for any problems, and correct them as early on as possible.
You can speak to a medical professional, or a chiropractor, who will be able to assess your current situation, and provide you with stretches and mobility exercises to correct your posture, and advice to keep it in good condition.
Not Exercising
Exercise plays an important role in your health and wellbeing. Exercise can make you physically fitter and able to carry out everyday tasks, it can protect you against chronic illnesses, improve your heart health, blood pressure, mood, energy, brain function, and memory, it can decrease your feelings of depression and anxiety and much more.
However, if you are performing the wrong kind of exercise, or even conducting too much exercise, you could be hindering your health, as opposed to improving it.
The wrong kind of exercise, or doing too much exercise, could be forcing your body to do something that puts too much stress on it. For example, if you complete light to moderate running, you can lower your risk of death. If you run too much, too fast, and too often, then you may put a strain on your heart and joints, and undo all your hard work.
It could also be just as detrimental if you do not exercise enough. You could spend a good hour at the gym every day, but if you are then sat at a desk for the next 9 hours, then on the sofa for the evening, with little to no movement, then you may hinder your progress.
Try to incorporate more activities throughout your day, like taking the stairs, going for a walk at lunch, looking around the shops, cooking, or stretching. As long as you can incorporate something that requires physical movement, you can drastically improve your health.
If you feel exhausted and anxious after working out or keep injuring yourself, then it is important to review your exercise regime with an expert, such as a personal trainer, or a medical professional.
They will be able to review your lifestyle and personal requirements and set you up with a personalized exercise schedule to follow. They can also monitor your progress, to see how you respond, and adjust it for you where necessary.
There is a lot more to being healthy than just adding some exercise and vegetables into your life. Being healthy requires a full lifestyle change, including your social life, your posture, and the right amount of exercise. Follow these top tips to make an impact on your health, improve your journey, and live a happier life.