When I was younger, we had a cat named Nala that seemed to always be so unhappy. Those that own cats know what I’m talking about: that forlorn look in their eyes, the mopey behavior, and the lack of activity.
Then, if anything changed around Nala (like when another cat was introduced to the family), she was noticeably uptight, uncomfortable, and anxious.
Yes, you guessed it, Nala appeared to suffer from depression and anxiety. Back then, we just kind of laughed it off. “Poor Nala,” we would say. However, today, cats and dogs don’t have to deal with those issues as they did in the past.
If you’re an animal lover like me, you want what’s best for your cat or dog. Much like our own children, we would do just about anything to make them happy. As a child, I remember approximating my cat’s birthdays and treating them with a small dollop of whipped cream and a cat treat.
Sure, whipped cream might not be the best thing for a cat, but as a child, I just wanted my animals to feel loved and to feel special. It might be funny or strange for others to see the bonds we have with our animals, but they seriously don’t know what they’re missing. Having a cat or dog in the home just makes a family feel complete.
And, since they’re a part of the family, attending to their needs is more important than ever. Thankfully, in our modern days, there are products that can ensure a happier life for our furry friends.
CBD Oil For Cats And Dogs
Have you ever heard of or used CBD oil for cats and dogs? It’s an oil derived from the hemp plant that’s free of THC and it’s completely natural. Best of all, its therapeutic qualities make it a safe and excellent way to maintain your pet’s health without exposing them to dangerous chemicals and medications that can be detrimental to their overall well-being. When you use CBD oil, you know you’re giving your pet something that will help them without harming them.
CBD oil helps with anxiety and depression. We’ve all had (or know of someone that has) an anxious cat or dog. My brother’s dog, a Pomeranian named Lisa, used to become very anxious and depressed whenever he would leave. He demeanor would also change and she would become snippy and wanted to attack everything and everyone.
I remember watching Lisa when my brother was out of town, and the poor dog wouldn’t come out from underneath his bed without a lot of coaxing. Once she was out, she was irritable, on edge, and had no appetite. It was so sad to see!
During the course of a week, she literally starved herself and became frail and weak. It wasn’t until my brother came home than she returned to her normal self. If I had known about CBD oil for dogs back then, I would’ve used it.
CBD is known for its ability to calm nerves and lift moods, and those are two things that Lisa desperately needed that week.
Have you ever traveled with a pet? Whenever I’m at the airport, I often see nervous animals being toted around like common luggage. The poor things have no idea why they are in a box being tossed around in a foreign environment by unknown people.
Can you imagine how scary that is for them? I can’t imagine the luggage hold is a homey place that puts them at ease either. This would be an excellent time to use CBD oil so they can relax, and maybe even sleep through their stressful travels.
Traveling long distances is hardly fun for anyone, and that’s especially true for animals. CBD won’t make it completely go away, but it will at least make things a little better and reduce the stress and trauma on your cat or dog.
CBD oil can also stimulate a pet’s appetite. Those nervous eaters sometimes need a little help to gain weight to be in the normal, healthy range.
This is especially true if you adopt a new cat or dog and bring them into your home. This is a stressful change and often results in a loss of appetite, which jeopardizes your pet’s stress and health levels unnecessarily.
Without forcing your pet to eat by using manipulation, you can naturally coax them to eat more than they normally would by using completely natural and safe CBD oil.
I never felt as a young kid. I can only imagine those aches and pains will get worse as I get older. My 80-year-old father told me that he’s always in pain, but he just learns to deal with it.
Those pains are not just felt by humans, but also by cats and dogs. The problem is, they don’t have the voice to complain about their pains and they don’t have the ability to use an ibuprofen when they’re in pain.
CBD oil is safe enough to use daily, so it’s a great way to help your cat or dog age gracefully and enjoy their advanced years without what could possibly be an excruciating pain on a daily basis. Our little furry friends need us to help them out, and that’s why I see so many benefits stemming from CBD oil usage.
So you’re probably wondering how you administer CBD oils to your pet, right? First of all, let’s make it clear: you should only use CBD oils specifically formulated for pet usage.
If you give your pets a human dosage, it could be too much for their little bodies. CBD oils for pets are specifically dosed for the use of CBD for cats and dogs and are therefore much safer for their size when compared to the size of a human.
Depending on the product you choose, there are different ways to help your pet enjoy the benefits of CBD. Some oils come in sprays, which you can gently spray into your pet’s mouth. Another way to give it to your cat or dog is to put a few drops in their water dish.
And another way is to spray it around their home so they feel calm, at ease, and comfortable wherever they go. Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide which way works best for your situation. Of course, carefully read all instructions before using any CBD products.
These days we often choose chemicals over natural products because that’s often what doctors prescribe. Don’t think that’s your only option! CBD oil is an excellent resource to help your pets feel comfortable in their own skin (or fur). If you have a pet, you should definitely try it out!
Have You Ever Used CBD Oil For Your Cat Or Dog?