FouFou Dog: Love Your Breed Designer Doggy Wear
When you have a pet, you just love ’em to pieces (well you had BETTER!!!). So anyway to show off your affection for your furry friend is much appreciated by him or her I am sure 🙂
What better way to show your lovin’s then with Love Your Breed by FouFou Dog! Love Your Breed is a new collection by FouFou Dog catered to pet owners, pet lovers, pet people, and even people who don’t own a pet. And man do they have some super cute things!!
Product Description

The collection consists of breed-specific products targeting YOUR OWN pet at home that can be collected as gifts or give-able items for your friends with pets.
– Pens
– Cell Phone Stickers
– Plush Toys
– Acrylic Keychains
– Silicon Key Covers

Lily Kwan says
I would choose Poodle.
Caroline B says
the key covers are just adorable! I have three schnauzers!
Jessica Hays says
I have several dogs so I would love either a yorkie, german shepard or malti-poo!
jessicaahays at hotmail dot com
Shaunda Eppes says
I would want a yorkie
Katie R says
I would want Pomeranian products if I won
Sue King says
I would pick the Maltese breed of dog if you won.
K Anne says
I would choose the Chihuahua
Heather S says
I would pick a Boston Terrier and Chihuahua.
paige chandler says
I’d choose PUG
Janet W. says
I would choose Beagle!
Amy Orvin says
Interacted on facebook as Amy Orvin
[email protected]
Kelly Ann T. says
The Golden Retriever because we just adopted a golden/mix a few weeks ago.
Bobbi Bird says
The last ewntry for the rafflecopter says to make a FouFou purchase with a $15 gift certificate, can you tell me where to get this gift certificate please?
Kim says
see above on my post!
Bobbi Bird says
I would love to have items with a schnauzer! My baby is gray/silver with a little bit of white!
Liz @ A Nut in a Nutshell says
Those are just so whimsical and cute!
Jennifer Marie says
Those pens are so cute! What a neat idea.
Donna D says
These are adorable! I love the key covers! they are soooooooooooooo Cute!
Marcie W. says
These are adorable! I’m not sure they’d have my Boxer/Pit Bull mix (who’s also solid black) but I’m sure they’d have Boston Terriers, a favorite for a friend of mine.
Renski says
Thanks for the reivew ~ dog lovers would enjoy these.