*Getting Fit In 2014. This post includes my affiliate links.
We all make New Year resolutions, myself included. But, I rarely follow through with them :/ I am so bad like that! I want to get in shape, I really do, but finding the time and energy is a whole other thing…
Getting Fit In 2014
At the beginning of this week, I ordered the Brazil Butt Lift exercise program. I saw some great reviews on it and thought, why not? So, as soon as that arrives at my doorstep, I will be starting it! Excited!!!
So, since I will be working out I did need workout clothing. Kohl’s sent me some really comfy yoga pants to review and a pair of cute black shoes! Now maybe I can work out and look cute doing it? That is a long shot..
I received the Marika Magical Balance Butt Booster Performance Pants and Croft & Barrow® Sports Shoes – Women in Black. Like I said, they are super cute and both are really comfy.
First I will talk about the Marika Magical Balance Butt Booster Pants. I was not too thrilled with the support that these offered. While they are completely comfortable in every way, they give my butt no support at all nor any other part of my lower body. I really wish that they had been more supportive and butt-uplifting, but nope. However, as you can see in the picture, I wear them ALL the time. I like the long length of them and the comfort they offer. I can move easily in them and that is what I need when I work out in them.
The Croft & Barrow Sports Shoes are very comfortable too. They are true to size and are really cute. These shoes are perfect for running my errands or doing some light workouts. I love the suede look to them and the style. Very sporty and cute!
So when my Brazil Butt Lift Workout Program arrives, I will at least be dressed cutely when exercising! Can’t wait to Getting Fit In 2014! Yay! I can handle that 🙂
Do you wear cute workout clothes when working out or do you just wear sweats and a t-shirt?
Chasing Joy says
I wear both cute and not so cute clothes. I do find treating myself to cute workout clothes makes me more motivated and hapoy to workout.
Krystal says
Congrats on your fitness goals! I love those shoes. Kohl’s always has the best deals.
Krissy says
I own more yoga pants then I do jeans, as well as jackets and tee’s. Work out clothes are just comfortable to not only work out in, but clean house, run to the grocery, work in the yard. ..they definitely are two-fold!
Janeane Davis says
As important as it is to get into shape, it is easier an more enjoyable when the clothing we wear to do it is enjoyable
Melinda says
yoga pants are my go to. they are comfy and easy.
Christina S says
I’m a yoga pants and tank kinda gal. If something is called butt booster, I’d expect it to support the booty though.
Elizabeth Norton says
I need to try to get those new years resolutions going again. It is a good thing I blogged them because I might have forgotten. 🙂
Melissa says
Oh, they look so comfortable! I’m all about comfy AND cute! What a deal on the shoes too!
Janel C. says
I have found that Kohls has some really good prices on athletic shoes and active wear. Especially when there is a sale and I have a 20% off coupon plus I get $10 Kohls cash if I spend $50. Thanks for sharing!
Dina says
I wear workout clothes and tees. I also wear yoga pants just because. LOL
Rosey says
When I was young I wore cute outfits to the gym. Now I’m older and wear sweats at home. If I was at the gym, I”d probably still work out in sweats. 🙂
Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? says
Bummer that the pants weren’t more supportive. I like my workout pants to be either supportive (when tight) or loose fitting like shorts.
Debra says
When I do exercise I always make sure to have a good pair of workout or yoga pants on. You don’t want any TMI moments to happen with a rip or tear! I like to wear a fun or pretty workout shirt, it makes me feel good and to wear it, I have to work out!
Karen says
I usually wear decent workout pants with an ugly t-shirt. When I used to go to the gym or a yoga class I used to dress better!
Aimee Smith says
I try to reward myself with cute gym clothes. Gives me some motivation to actually work out!
Liz Mays says
I usually wear a tank and shorts to work out. I can’t have sleeves at all. That drives me batty!
Chrysa says
I usually wear somewhat cute workout clothes when I go to the Y. But, if I’m working out at home – then anything goes!
Jenn @ The Rebel Chick says
I don’t think I’ve ever seen butt booster pants. I’m very curious what they are.
valmg @ Mom Knows It All says
I don’t work out. I love sweats, they are so comfy!
brett says
i wear what’s comfy to work out. in about 4 pants sizes i’m sure i’ll want cute workout stuff!
Susanna Barbee (Zealous Mom) says
I am always looking for new and cute workout clothes. I will definitely have to check these out.
Robin (Masshole Mommy) says
I workout in workout clothes. Usually it’s capri workout/yoga pants and a t-shirt or a tank top!
Jaime says
The cuter, the better, for me when it comes to workout clothes! I tend to buy mine at the end of a season and they’re on clearance. They can get pricey!
Rachael says
Good for you getting Brazil Butt Lift! I am a Beachbody Coach. If you do not have a coach, I will be happy to coach you through the program. Friend me on FB – Rachael Ebner.
Kim Delatorre says
Oh awesome, thank you!
Shell says
I adore cute workout clothes(even if I’m not going to work out). I have done the Brazilian Butt Life program. It’s great. When you do the “High and Tight” workout for the first time, I’d suggest doing it without any band, just until you get used to it. Or you’ll be super sore!
Kim Delatorre says
Oh thank you for the advice!! Can’t wait to try it out!
Lindsey @ Redhead Baby Mama says
I take forever in picking out my workout clothes – I have a huge booty (that doesn’t need a lift!! LOL) but then I can rest easy knowing that whatever I reach for will look nice.
Sabrina Radke says
I love those shoes! They look so comfy but also not like regular tennis shoes a bit nicer!
Jennifer says
Those shoes look great but I am loving the price even more!
Melanie S. says
I wear old, comfy clothes to workout in, but I’m alone in my basement when I do it. When I used to go to the gym, my attire was much cuter. I feel like I need some butt booster pants though. 🙂
susan says
I am more of a yoga pants and a tee kind of gal… not very fancy at all.