Modern Fertility Won’t Help Women Over 45!!
UPDATE For January 12, 2022: Modern Fertility Won’t Help Women Over 45!!!
The test that I received to take from this company, I finally had time to take the test and mail it in. The process was simple and I was SO eager to get my results back! However, today, I received an email from the company stating since I am over 45 years old, they will not be helping me! Imagine my surprise to hear that! To them, I do NOT matter. I am OLD, ladies! OLD!
Most of you know my journey of trying to get pregnant, miscarrying, and having secondary infertility. My journey to becoming a mom was/is NOT easy and has NEVER been easy. It has been gut-wrenching and just so sad at times. It was NOT my choice to be an ‘older mom‘, it just happened this way. No regrets because I have three HEALTHY beautiful babies to call my own that is earthside. I am SO thankful for that!
However, I wanted to say SHAME ON MODERN FERTILITY for not helping us ‘older‘ moms! Modern Fertility Won’t Help Women Over 45!! Shame on them!!!! They have no clue how many women in this day and age are trying so hard to get pregnant and need answers too. Not just the ‘young’ moms! How dare they!
I will no longer rave about them and share this brand with my ELDERLY (obviously not true), mom friends who are so desperately trying to conceive one more time OR for the FIRST time. There is a market for older moms, and they are certainly missing their mark to sell to us old moms!
So, please do NOT waste your money on this company! Apparently, I am just an old hag! I have no right to try and get pregnant. No right at all! Just wanted to update this post so you don’t waste your time or money. Feel free to tell your OLDER ttc moms that you know that Modern Fertility Won’t Help Women Over 45!! Thanks!
This week is infertility awareness week and I wanted to share with you all, some information if you or someone you know is going through infertility. It can be a LONG, DARK, and LONELY time that is for sure.
I know those feelings all too well. Yes, I do have 3 healthy children, but they were not easy to get her AND, I have suffered through 4 miscarriages, and 1 chemical pregnancy. I have what you call secondary infertility. It took years to get pregnant with my 3rd child and it was not easy. So yes, I do know those dark, sad, and lonely feelings that often accompany trying to conceive.
My Babies:
Infertility Awareness Week And Hope
Everyone else around you is getting pregnant, right? They decide they want to have a child and the next month they are pregnant. They don’t have ANY issues whatsoever, and their pregnancy is a breeze! Of course, you want nothing but the best for them and the child they are carrying but man does it sting!
You hold back your tears as you congratulate them on their upcoming bundle of joy. Then you go home and hide in your bed for the rest of the day because it took EVERYTHING in your power to muster up a smile and to say congratulations.
When will it be YOUR chance? When will YOU be the one announcing YOUR pregnancy? Will you ever be announcing a pregnancy? Will you ever get to be THAT woman? Trying to conceive when you CAN have kids is stressful enough, but add into it infertility or secondary infertility and you have a whole new ballgame going on. It SUCKS.
I remember thinking to myself when I would hear of someone complaining about feeling uncomfortable during their pregnancy or upset because they have a surprise pregnancy and what should they do?? Oh my goodness, I am NOT the person to talk to about those things!
I know all too damn well that you are the lucky one, be GRATEFUL! Not every woman can get pregnant when she plans it, have a healthy and uneventful pregnancy and give birth to a healthy little one. Watch the things you say. If you don’t know a woman doesn’t ever ask about kids or when will they be having them. I learned that a while ago.
Anyway, you can see how passionate I am about this whole subject! Infertility is no joke and is a very serious and heartbreaking matter! So is secondary infertility!
Since this week is infertility awareness week, I wanted to share a company that understands what you are going through! The company is called Modern Fertility and they have some wonderful products, information, and planning tools to help you as you go through your journey to having a baby.
I am a late-time mom, I know. But, it was not by choice. My body decided when I would be a mommy and boy did my body test me!! It is still testing me! I wanted so badly to have ONE more little one but after my fourth miscarriage in early 2019, that hope was pulled from my soul.
It was CRUSHING, to say the least. Because I am older, I thought that was my last chance. WHY was I able to get pregnant only for it to be taken away from me? What was the purpose of that? I mean, seriously? WHY? I am a bit bitter about that…
Infertility Awareness Week
So, I ordered the Modern Fertility Hormone Test kit just to see where my body is at and if I still have a chance at one more child. If anything, it will give me some insight into all of the important things your body needs to be doing, in order to have a baby. At my age, I still get my period regularly on the dot and I can feel ovulation pains every month. So, I know I am probably ovulating, but wanted to double-check everything. This kit might help with that.
Here are some facts about infertility:
-1 in 6 couples struggle with infertility
– Infertility is not a female problem! 1/3 of infertility cases are due to the woman, ⅓ due to the man, and 1/3 unexplained
Common causes of infertility include:
a. Low ovarian reserve (egg count – which we cover in our test)
b. Irregular or absent ovulation, often due to polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) – 1 in 10 people are affected, and taking our test can help raise red flags here
c. Tubal issues, including endometriosis (this can also cause low ovarian reserve)
d. Uterine issues, such as fibroids, adenomyosis, or scarring
e. Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
f. Male factor infertility
g. Unexplained infertility
The Modern Fertility Hormone Test gives you the most information about your fertility, there are other ways to be proactive. In case you missed it, Modern Fertility has also launched its Ovulation Tests, Pregnancy Tests, and Prenatals in the last year – all backed by science and designed to support women along their fertility journey! Modern Fertility wants to provide women with the tools to own their fertility and their future!
Modern Fertility Hormone Test
When you order your fertility hormone test, it will ask you a few questions before you order so that they can get to know your needs. After you order the test, you will be brought to your page. On this page, there will be an invite to the Modern Fertility Community so that you can receive extra support and connect with women on the same or similar journey as you are.
This page will also let you know the status of your kit (when you will be receiving it) and any test results (after you take your test and send it back to them). You can participate in research if you choose to and there are fun questions about pregnancy, trying to conceive, egg freezing, lifestyle, menopause, and a bunch more.
You can also jot down your ‘trying to conceive‘ plan and if you don’t have one, Modern Fertility walks you through creating one. You can also download the Modern Fertility App and start logging your cycles so that you can get an idea of what is going on with them if there is an issue and other helpful things.
The Rundown Of the Hormone Test
These are the same hormone tests offered by Reproductive Endocrinologists for a fraction of the price. We’ll test up to 8 hormones and deliver the results in comprehensive reports and dashboards.
*Simple, at-home finger-prick test (you can even test in your PJs!), then pop it in the mail so it can be tested!
*Get your fertility profile: Your results will be reviewed by a doctor and sent your way in just a few days.