Kraft Heinz Needs Your Help Inspiring New Products!
Are your children picky eaters or begging to switch things up? Each day provides a new challenge when it comes to keeping bellies full and happy. Kraft Heinz cares about the effort you put into making meals for your family and would like your help inspiring new products.
This is a sponsored post. I received a promotional item as a thank you for participating.
Kraft Heinz and their research partner, C Space, want to hear from you and other parents as they seek participants for an exclusive, secure, moderated online community. Those who participate will get the chance to learn from other parents in the community and will serve as honorary Heinz advisors by providing feedback directly to Kraft Heinz decision-makers. In this community, explore as you answer surveys, participate in discussions, have a sneak peek at what’s coming next and share your thoughts before it’s released to market. As a dedicated consumer, your opinions are valued and celebrated and deserve to be heard.
In addition to the opportunity to impact the brand, members will receive Amazon gift codes each month for participating! In addition to the monthly gift codes, there are chances to earn even more each month by participating in specific projects and activities geared just towards you!
If you have a lot to share on what it’s like to prepare meals for your family, and how you stay ahead of the game to keep things simple, Heinz wants your voice to play a role in their future.
Spots are limited so signup today to start talking all things food: