Today we talk about the Microsoft 70-480 Exam: Tips to Pass the Exam Easily. Microsoft certification exams are in huge demand in both small and big business organizations.
One of the major reasons for this is that these certifications are internationally recognized, opening you up to a ton of job opportunities across the globe. Among all these certifications, the Microsoft 70-480 exam is one of the most popular. And, there are many reasons for that!
Microsoft 70-480 Exam
For example, today more importance is given to the designing of a website. Languages, like HyperText Markup Language (HTML), and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are ready to make room for more engaging content. In fact, one of the best examples to cite here would be HTML5.
The latest iteration of the HTML also known as the HTML5 has got quick approval from all the developers and has been used widely for the development of the websites. All these things make Microsoft 70-480 exam a good option for developers!
This is just the tip of the iceberg. If you are really interested in doing Microsoft 70-480 certification, then you must know the important questions to ask and research. See those questions, below.
Who should be taking up this exam?
If you have experience in Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3, then you should opt for Microsoft 70-480. This is one of the certifications for developers like you, which proves you are proficient in HTML5.
It is important that you have a good understanding of the following courses:
*Decision and the iteration statements
*Working with variables, operators, and expressions
*Arrays and collections
*Managing events and program flow
*Working with data collections and data validation and including Query
*Handling exceptions and errors
*Asynchronous programming
*Working with methods and prototypes
How to Pass Microsoft 70-480 Exam with these 5 Study Hacks?
As I mentioned above, languages like HTML and CSS3 are quite popular among the contemporary website developers. That is why it is very important to pass 70-480 exam.
It is also necessary to note that becoming 70-480 certified is not an easy thing to do. Keeping this in mind, here are the five most amazing study tips to help you pass exam 70-480easily.
Learn by watching videos when you can’t read them: While you are preparing for the exam you should be clear about your goal. There are times when you do not have access to books.
You can look for online study tutorials or videos that cover various topics in the course on Youtube. Also, be sure that you watch videos from a trusted source so that the knowledge that you are trying to gain is appropriate and reliable. Nothing is worse than spending time watching a video that doesn’t deliver.
Learning the exam structure (the structure of 70 – 480) certification exam includes the sections mentioned below:
*Implementation and manipulation of the document structures and objects (24%)
*Accessing and securing the data (26%)
*Implementing the flow of the program (25%)
*Using CSS3 in the applications (25%)
You can easily create your study plan. However, you should give equal importance to each section. Here are some of the major topics that you should not ignore. These ExamSnap Practice Tests are a huge help!
Major Topics for Microsoft 70-480 Certification
The main topics of Microsoft 70-480 exam include CSS regions, the grid, flexbox, and the basics of CSS layout. The other parts of the study include Animations, Transforms, Transitions, JavaScript, CSS3, HTML, Ajax, JQuery, etc. Getting a grasp on all the topics mentioned will help you pass this exam.
Making use of the additional tutorials available online
The Microsoft 70-480 exam includes multiple-choice questions. This doesn’t make this exam any easier though. You need to understand the fundamental concepts related to HTML5 programming. One of the ways to ensure you are clear with the basics is to opt for online tutorials.
Practice Makes Perfect!
Studying the lessons can help so much before you take the exam. However, this is something that is not enough during exam preparation. You need to take some practice tests. The online Microsoft 70–480 practice tests help you in getting an insight into the exam pattern. It will also help you know what topics need more efficient preparation.
Some of these products even offer you monthly subscriptions that will allow you to conduct as many mock tests as you need. This way you do not have to worry about failing.
Look for Appropriate Training
If you want to ensure that you pass the Microsoft 70–480 exam, then you should look for training in programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3. You might have experience in HTML5, but passing 70–480 certification requires more than that. That is why it is important to have the appropriate training and materials to help you prepare.
As a developer or programmer, you need to have an understanding of developing document structure in addition to implementing of HTML5 APIs. Apart from this, you also need to learn how to validate user input with JavaScript. A proper online Microsoft 70-480 certification training can help you in gaining all this knowledge.
Just remember, in order to become Microsoft 70-480 certified, it is important to choose a good 70-480 exam training program. This will help you in strengthening your command over the programming in HTML5 with (JavaScript) and CSS3 (Cascading Style Sheets 3).
This way you will be able to boost your career growth. Once you get 70-480 certified you will become a professional who has real-life skills to help you create amazing websites and web applications.