If you or someone you know and love have been in the military then you might want to find out what the Military $500 Cash Allowance is all about.
What Is The Military $500 Cash Allowance?
This program offers eligible people a $500 cash allowance to be applied toward the retail purchase or lease of an eligible vehicle.
Eligible people include active military, active military reserve, retired military (honorably discharged), and retired military reserve (honorably discharged) within 12 months of your discharged date. The offer applies to purchases and leases on select 2017 vehicles. This is definitely worth checking out!
If you are military overseas, this might be for you!
If you are military and overseas right now, you want to see if this could be something for you. It is Military AutoSource (MAS) and is the only on-base, factory-authorized distributor for Chrysler to military personnel stationed overseas, or on TDY assignment for at least 30 days outside of the United States.
They have provided military customers with great value on cars, service and of course, convenience. They base each military person the best financing and to help provide them with the most hassle-free and secure car buying experience. I think this is just wonderful of Holden Dodge, don’t you?
My dad was in the military and though this no longer applies to him, I am sure he would have looked into this when he was eligible. It is worth checking into if you are in the military or know someone who is.
*Partnered Post.