Before I started blogging I would do online paid studies and sometimes I would have to do online conferences . Sometimes I would have my picture live on their site so others could see who they were talking to and sometimes it was just me seeing them. I liked the later one the best 🙂 That way I did not have to do full makeup and hair! Whoosh!
At first there were a few kinks to get out. I would sign in and the audio was not working or my picture was not up online, but then with web conferencing solutions, it got much easier to do and I was beginning to be a dang pro!
The online events that took place were super fun and I always enjoyed myself. They never lasted more than one hour and I was free to get up and tend to my kids when needed. Nothing like being able to do this from home and get paid for it!
It was also so much fun to hear others talking live and being able to see them online, talking. I loved to be able to see everyone’s face and get to know each person. With Web Meetings solution, this was possible and I just loved the interaction from everyone. Makes getting online and working very fun!
I do miss doing the online conferences and chatting and of course making that money! I think when things calm down a bit around here, I will start doing those again. I have to start saving for Christmas you know!!
Oh, forgot to mention how much I love the screen capture software too. My hubby had it downloaded on my site and it sure made for a richer learning experience for me. It rapidly creates and maintains more engaging content and helps me get the full feel of the online paid studies that I was a part of.
Nothing is better than being able to stay home with my babies and put a few dollars in my pocket too!
Have you ever been a part of an online chat group or paid study? How did you like it?
*This post includes my affiliate links
Sam says
I have been to a few econferences. They’re nice because we don’t have to look pretty, lol.
Barbara Platt says
Not that kind. I have done many studies, however.
Crystal @ Simply Being Mommy says
I’ve done some before. Quick and easy money!
Kelly says
I’ve never done an online chat group where you have to see each other or pictures of other people. I hate phone conferences so I’m sure video conferences would be even worse.
Anne says
I’ve done phone conferences, but never with a web cam.
blueviolet says
I did that once or twice when I used to do surveys and stuff, but I hated the camera part of it!
Kenda says
I’ve only done a few online or phone conferences/seminars – and they were odd, yet easy.
{Not Quite} Susie Homemaker says
For my community manager internship, we had online conferences all the time. Luckily, they couldn’t see me, so no hair & makeup here either. 😉
HilLesha says
I need to start saving, too. That’s sad that Christmas will be here before you know it, lol. Where has the time gone?? 🙂