Congrats to Erica Bertulis
*This review was made possible by Double Duty Divas and Pampers. I was provided the featured product free of charge to facilitate my review, but all opinions are 100% mine
My little boy has pretty much always been an okay sleeper. He will go to bed and fall asleep very easily, as long as me or daddy is by his side! If we get up, before he falls asleep, he will cry. But, once he is asleep, he is usually okay.
Sure, he tosses and turns ALL night long, but it is in his sleep. But, with all the tossing and turning, it makes for a sleepless night for mom and dad (baby sleeps with us). And no, he won’t do the crib thing, we have tried. That is not a concern for us though as we love our babies (yep all of them!) sleeping with us 🙂
Anyways, I have found that when my baby sleeps in a very good diaper, he usually will not toss and turn AS much. Having a good diaper, like Pampers, helps my little one to sleep through the night, more comfortably.
With daylight savings time almost here, I am a bit worried about my kids getting a little thrown off their sleep schedules. Thankfully, we usually don’t have that big of a problem with the time changes, but I know that having my littlest one comfy and in his Pampers, he will be sleeping better.
Some sleep tips I have learned, with my littlest one are:
Putting him in a room with a low light lamp before bed. No bright lights!
Making sure he is changed and has a clean Pampers diaper (I add powder too, to help keep him really dry)
No t.v., just soft talking voices
I will also put lavender lotion on the bottom of his tootsies, that seems to help him fall asleep too
Those are just some tips I have learned, with this baby, that help him fall asleep and stay asleep, most of the night. But, it is different with each kid!
Did You Know?
A 2013 survey conducted by Pampers found that nearly one-quarter of mothers (24%) felt that a dry diaper was the number one thing that enabled their baby to sleep through the night. Moms instinctively understand the importance of sleep – and research proves her right! Sleep contributes to well-being in many ways, from physical and cognitive development to sociability and day-to-day mood. That’s why Pampers is so committed to keeping baby dry during the most important parts of their day: love, play and sleep. Through Pampers’ extensive research on sleep, they’ve learned that babies are more vulnerable to waking up when they’re wet. Unlike other diapers that offer two layers, Pampers diapers have three absorbent layers that provide up to 12 hours of overnight dryness protection. It’s Pampers hope to minimize sleep disruptions so that little ones get the sweet slumber they deserve and need!
Pampers Twitter Party! Join Us!
The Twitter Party will take place on Wednesday October 29th at 9pm EST. Please join us and RSVP by going here:
To participate, follow your hosts @DoubleDutyDivas, @BridgetteLA, @CeceliaMecca @AngieKcom @WhatMommiesNeed @RamblingChick, and our sponsor @Pampers.
Twitter Party Prizes Include:
· Prize 1 – Twinkles Nightlight in Blue, 148 ct of Pampers diapers and a pack of wipes.
· Prize 2 – Pottery Barn plush security blanket, $50 Barnes & Noble gift card, a pack of Pampers diapers and wipes.
· Prize 3 – A gift card to The $125 Children’s Place for pajamas, a pack of Pampers diapers/wipes
· Prize 4 – A Kindle Fire so parents can purchase baby bedtime books, an $100 Amazon gift card to purchase the e-books, a pack of Pampers diapers and wipes.
One lucky reader of MINE, is going to win a free coupon for Pampers Diapers and Wipes! Yay!
Easy! Just use the RC form below! GL!
Lily Kwan says
dinner, reading, and watching tv
Vikki Billings says
Homework, dinner, baths and then story time and bed time.
shelly peterson says
for my grandson its dinner, bath, tv, brush teeth and then a story.
Hesper Fry says
I give my daughter a bath, read a book and lay her down for bed.
Beth R says
We always do bath, cuddles, book, song and then lay them down
Karen Drake says
Our night time routine is to wash the dinner dishes then watch some tv and relax before bed. I am sure that routine will change once the baby arrives.
katherine says
nurse baby to sleep while husband falls asleep 2 hours prior, haha
Kerry G. says
As infants we follow the bath, book, boob, bed. As they get older it’s just bath, book, bed 🙂
AwayGirl100 says
my youngest has been out of diapers for years lol (wanting to win for my oldest and my grandbaby!) but our routine is ‘free’ time and snack, homework, dinner, more homework, bath, TV time then bed–for us both because I am usually whipped too LOL
Natalie F says
We have dinner as a family. We play (try to burn up energy) and then we hit the bath. After bath it is reading and quiet activities. Prayers, Hugs, and lights out. 🙂
Stacey b says
Our night time routine consists of any last snacks or drinks before bed time — then shower — then pj’s — brush teeth — story time — bedtime.
Betty Wojnar says
snack, bath, brush, book, sleep!
hedgehogi says
3 year old gets a bath then we all take a walk around the neighborhood. When we get back the 7 month old gets a bath and bottle then off to bed for them both.
nannypanpan says
pj icecream and a cartoon before bed
Karen says
Try to keep on a schedule but sometimes it is hard. Pajamas, snack, brushing of teeth, story.
Marcie W. says
My kiddos are older, so our nighttime routine consists of studying spelling words, checking homework, discussing our day tomorrow, taking showers, and a little TV time before bed.
Anne B says
Bath, story, cuddle time w/dad, lights out!
Sara M says
We really don’t have a good routine down yet. But when my daughter is a little older we’ll get more in the routine of giving her a bath each night, reading a book, and putting her down to bed.
Sarah D. says
Night time routine is milk + solids, story reading time, bath, and then another feeding!
Cynthia R says
After dinner and short playtime, up for a bath, change into PJ’s and read a book, sing a song and lights out.
Erin M. says
Bath, music, prayers and bed
Jessica Beard says
Always use a routine! We like to do baths, stories, songs, and prayers. [email protected]
Kim Delatorre says
Oh yes! I forgot to say we do prayers too! Good one 😉