(click all pictures for their sources!!)
Southeastern Idaho Lifestyle, Skincare, And Beauty Blog
Kim Delatorre is a mom to three kids. She enjoys reading, writing, spending time with her family, and blogging.
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Kasandria Reasoner says
Super funny!
josie says
These are funny! Especially the troll one. I think I’ve met a few of those online.
ohkeeka says
I love those baby instruction graphics! I bought a onesie with one of them on it for my SIL’s baby and I don’t think they appreciated the humor (ha!), but I thought it was hilarious. 🙂
Sonya Morris says
Hehe! Love the troll! That’s how I picture the people who follow and send me spam on Twitter!
Olivia L says
Thanks for the giggle!
Gift Princess Goden says
LOL! Thanks, they are all humorous!
Louise says
You know that’s disgusting.
Kim says
Which one? LOL
latanya says
Great post. These are so funny!
Sheila says
OMG!! Thanks for the laugh! Love them.
won says
Thanks. I really, really needed a chuckle right about now!
April Decheine says
To funny, these are hilarious!
Nichol says
Oh my gosh, those are so funny. The twitter bitch one makes me laugh, block!
Megan says
These are all hilarious, especially the internet troll one!
Barbara Platt says
twitter LOL
hairstyles for girls says
Too funny! I love the shopping cart one.
Dee says
These are great. Especially loved the baby in the shopping cart. I mean how many times have I seen that one in real life.
Marybeth @ babygoodbuys.com says
Ok, some of those made me laugh out loud! I’m off to see more baby do’s and don’ts!
Tricia NightowlMama says
lol the things u can find on the net tooo funny
Kelly says
These are too funny!
Crystal @ Simply Being Mommy says
LOL, thanks for the laugh. I needed that today.
blueviolet says
The toilet instructions and germ rules are cracking me up!!!!!
HilLesha says
Love your sense of humor! ~LOL~
Donna D says
I love the How To Stop The Spread Of Germs lol Cute!
The Internet troll is great too!
Kathleen says
lol I love the first one and the toilet one should be posted in every bathroom everywhere lol.
Brandi @ Flip Flop Mama says
LOL those are hilarious!
{Not Quite} Susie Homemaker says
Those are hilarious! I can’t read the twitter one, it’s too small for my eyes {lol} but the rest made me laugh out loud 🙂
Kim says
I can’t figure out how to make it bigger when you click on it, LOL. Just click on the picture and it will take you to the original one 🙂
Lessa says
I have forwarded that internet troll one around to a load of people, its a work of art!