I made a New Year resolution, but did not keep, sigh. It was to be more active, workout and get fit. You know, the resolutions many of us make, but rarely keep 🙁
I usually will workout in the comfort of my own home, when everyone is gone, in my room, with the door locked. Ha. But that is how it goes! But lately, I have not found the energy or the time to workout. I am busy with the kids, I am busy with working, I am just BUSY. I know, EXCUSES!!! I need to just suck it up and do it.
Workout apparel has always been important to me. Even though I am locked up in my room when I workout, I still need comfort in those workout clothes. I can’t wear things that are too restricting or clothing that makes me sweat more than I need/want to. I am a yoga pants type of gal! They are super comfy and look good too 🙂 I guess any kind of yoga clothes are comfy, so that is what I like to wear when I do decide to workout :/
When I workout, I become one heck of a Sweaty Betty! Oh my goodness, I pour that sweat out like crazy. I am so out of shape and it sucks. I am thin, but I really really need to firm up! I don’t like doing aerobics, but I LOVE weight lifting. I enjoy doing squats, lunges, sit ups and those sorts of things, but I dislike running or doing those burpies! BURPIES are NOT my friend!!
I am quite jealous of my younger self. When I was younger, I could sit against the wall for a VERY long time, without getting tired. I also could pull myself up on a bar and hold myself there for a long time. I won second place in middle school for doing that!!! I was strong and thin! Back then it was just me, my yoga shorts and some loud music! Now, not so much…
Now it is all about the energy I need to find to actually exercise, a good, supportive sports bra and a PRIVATE place to let loose and get fit. Will I ever find the time, strength and ambition? I certainly hope so. Spring and Summer will be here before I know it and I will be soo depressed if I am not a little bit ready for that warmer weather!
Do you exercise daily or weekly? What is YOUR secrets to gaining the energy after a day with busy kids and a little baby? Advice Please!
Lily Kwan says
Exercise? What’s that? ;0P
Cheryl Reinhardt says
I know what you mean about getting older,,, it gets tougher to exercise you feel like your energy is sagging…….. Keep up the good work!!!
Gianna says
Now that looks relaxing!
Buddy Garrett says
Due to cancer I don’t exercise. I have to rest to get energy/
laurie says
wow jim are nice to have close to where you live we live so far out in the vountry its a long drive to one where I live
Kathy Pease says
I walk 60 minutes 4 miles a day on the treadmill while listening to my ipod. At my age calories don’t burn sitting on the couch watching Dr.Phil so every morning I get on and I feel great once that hour is over..haha
ger says
When I get too busy, I just try to get a few minutes here and there of flexing my feet, stretching my legs and some resistance exercises. Don’t beat yourself up over it, just try to do something small when you can’t get your regular workout in.
Rachael Ashcraft says
I used to be an avid runner, 5 to 7 miles six times a week. I started to get hip pain from it though. Turns out I had a bone spur on my hip joint and running really tore up my whole joint. Three surgeries later and I am never allowed to run again! So, if you are ever not feeling motivated just think how lucky you are! =)
Susan Smith says
I have found that if I do my workout in the morning before everyone gets up then I don’t have an excuse not to do it because I don’t have the time.
alona y says
I don’t know what burpies are and I don’t think I want to! It is an ongoing struggle to actually start working out. I have the same issues with sweating beyond what I would think is normal, and it makes me even more uncomfortable to exercise in front of anyone! I lost 50 lbs in about a year some time back (gained all back and then some with pregnancy). It was I swear 90% diet, and not so much dieting as healthy eating choices. It helped immensely that I took a bunch of nutrition and food/economy/health type classes. If you research those kinds of topics you might find something that gets you inspired and fired up like I am about nutrition and the choices we make with food!
Dana Matthews says
I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and moving is very difficult…take advantage of being able to do things like this while you can.
Linda Madden says
I have found that if I do my workout in the morning before work I am energized.
Cindy Merrill says
Start with your diet: Avoid food with artificial colors, artificial flavors and long,long chemical words you can’t pronounce. Humans have been around thousands of years, while processed food has been introduced into our bodies in the last 70 years: That’s why you’re so tired. Think about it. Your Great-Grandmother probably had even more of a work load, without the help of modern things like electricity, yet she managed to get by.
Maryann D. says
I do find it hard also to get the time and energy to work out. It does become an effort as we get older. But we have to keep trying!
Dana Rodriguez says
LOL The last picture would be me!
Vickie Couturier says
that makes me tired just looking at it
Marcie W. says
I try my best to exercise 5-6x per week. I always seem to do my best and have the most confidence when I look and feel my best during my workouts. Part of that is definitely cute exercise attire!
Cynthia R says
getting that energy and putting that time away for exercise is so hard. I always find when I do have an hour or a half hour, I’d rather read, nap, or watch tv. But I need to change that and get back in the gym!
Ashley Bree Perez says
Love it!
June S. says
I know what you mean, lately I just have no energy what so ever. I think I have a bad case of Cabin Fever, it’s been such a cold and snowy winter that I have no motivation at all. I do want to start walking again once we finally do ever get above 40 degree’s.