I am sure you have all heard that the world will be ending this year… though I do have my doubts 😉 However, would if there be any truth to that? Are you prepared for an emergency? Are you prepared for an emergency, if one should happen? Emergencies can happen at ANY time and ANY place, will you be prepared?
Emergencies can happen anytime, and being prepared can make all the difference. Whether it’s a natural disaster, a medical emergency, or a sudden power outage, having the right supplies and knowledge can help you stay safe and comfortable until help arrives. However, many people fail to prepare for emergencies, assuming that they won’t happen to them.
It’s important to take the time to assess your situation and make a plan for different types of emergencies. In this article, we will discuss the importance of being prepared for emergencies and provide tips on how to create an emergency plan and kit.
Are You Prepared For An Emergency
*This post includes my affiliate links.
This year, my family and I are focusing on our food storage. Every time I go to the store I put extra cans of food in my cart. I am building our food storage slowly, but I am doing it. That will be a huge thing to mark off my “to-do list“.
But, as I said, emergencies happen ANYWHERE. Would if you were out and about and something happened? Do you have an Emergency Kit of some sort with you in your vehicle? If not, you should.
My hubby and I always keep extra clothes, blankets, snacks, water, flashlights, flares, and things like that in each vehicle that we have. That way if there is an emergency, we can find some kind of comfort in our vehicle, if need be.
Have An Emergency Plan!
To help you prepare for an emergency, I would love for you all to take the Emergency Readiness Challenge. You should have a meeting place that everyone in your family knows about. Check that out and other resources, to help get you started on your emergency plans. And, if you have pets, be sure you have a plan for them too! We can’t leave our pets behind! They are family too!
To learn more about how you can prepare for an emergency, please visit this site!
In conclusion, being prepared for an emergency is essential for anyone who wants to ensure their safety and well-being during a crisis. By taking the time to assess your situation and make a plan for different types of emergencies, you can be better equipped to handle unexpected situations.
Creating an emergency kit that includes essential supplies such as food, water, and first aid items can help you stay comfortable and healthy until help arrives.
Staying informed about potential emergencies and knowing how to react can help you stay safe and avoid panic in the event of a crisis.
By preparing for emergencies, you can increase your chances of staying safe and secure, no matter what life throws your way.
Lily Kwan says
I have prepared an emergency kit.
Jennifer Thorne says
We have a 72hr kit for family including one for our pets. We have starting restocking our canned goods and water supply. Hurricane season start June 1st. We should be all set by May.
took the challenge
CathyH says
I keep extra batteries, lanterns, flashlights available. We also have a wood stove for heating or cooking
Melanie says
We have stocked up on batteries
Michelle H. says
This has reminded me that I need to restock my first-aid supplies and have spare batteries on hand.
melissa miller says
canned foods, batteries, matches, candles, blankets, bottled water and flash lights
Victor Antonov says
Stock up on non-perishable food, write down important numbers and make sure I am aware of city and neighborhood emergency plans.
Melissa Pruitt says
ive taken some steps and have some canned food
JoAnn F says
stocked up on batteries and canned food
jofo120 at yahoo dot com
Trish Clapper says
I keep a emergency pack in the car. I keep blankets, a couple water bottles, snack packs of fruit and nut combos, and flashlights.
learning to do more.
Krystalynn Hernandez says
I took the challenge and it made some good points! For my family I am definitely going to start making a vehicle emergency kit like you mentioned and I, too, have been slowly stocking up on food in the event of a hurricane (we live in FL) or other emergency this year!
Coriander Warren says
I have bought a new flashlight with batteries and gotten some blankets gathered up just in case
John Billiris says
We have stocked up on batteries (all sizes), and canned goods, in case we get blocked in for a few days.
Sheila K. says
We always keep canned goods, water, flashlights, and batteries for our hurricane season!
Candie L says
We are trying to do better about having flashlights and other emergency supplies. Thank you
tamar says
i will have water in the freezer and a blanket in my car. also, don’t forget the flashlights!
Laurie Emerson says
We have flashlights and batteries. We also have a stock of canned foods as well as a hand held can opener as with no electricity we found out the hard way that the canned goods did not help.
Jennifer C says
We keep winter weather emergency kits in the cars – blankets, gloves, hats, extra scraper.
amy deeter says
stock up food and drinks
kathy pease says
I am sort of prepared we have lots of bottled water,an escape ladder,fire extinguisher,flashlights and candles but im sure we can do much better in preparing for disaster
renee walters says
I keep a blanket, water, a flashlight and a first aid kit in the car.
Sarah L says
Have sort of an emergency bag with radio & flashlight. Have emergency winter bag in my car.
Thanks for the contest.
Jaque R. says
I keep a well stocked first aide kit, bottled water, non perishable food, candles, flashlights, and other necessities in a box for emergencies. We also have three meeting places…just in case some are unreachable. 🙂 Thank you.
Donna L says
We have bottled water, canned food, flashlights with extra batteries, hand cranked radios.
ANNE says
shirley pebbles says
For my vehicle I have a full tank of gas, blankets, boots, snacks flares and jumper cables.
fb/ shirley greenawalt zolenski
twitter,gfc,stumble/ daveshir2005
google +/ shirley pebbles
Betty Wojnar says
I have enough food and supplies for the year! I also want to have drills as a family
Betty Wojnar says
I have enough food and supplies for the year!
tracey johnson(rochelle johnson) says
we are having a storm shelter put in this month
Valerie Taylor Mabrey says
Put salt in back of my truck and a blanket and flashlight.
vmkids3 at msn dot com
R HICKS says
we have extra canned foods, batteries, radio, water etc
brich22 at earthlink dot net
Becky S. says
We always have an emergency kit in our car, but don’t have a plan in place at home, which is something I’ll be looking into now.
beckytag618 at gmail dot com
Shannon says
We have a emergency box downstairs with non-perishibles and flashlights…but this bag looks so much better!
Maria says
will make sure kids a husband are all on the same plan in case of emergency
Robin says
We have plenty of water and food in our basement
Karen says
I live in hurricane territory, so I always have extra food, water and other supplies on hand. Thanks for the giveaway.
Lisa says
I always keep blankets and extra hats and mittens in the car.
Sarah says
We have emergency kits in our cars. In the house, we have plenty of flashlights, blankets, food, etc. But I just realized we need to make sure we have extra pet food and litter, too!
Erica C. says
I’m considering getting a landline phone since cell phones can be unreliable during big emergencies.
Kari Cu says
I am trying to always have a case of water and an emergency supply of food around.
elven johnson says
I’m used to storms & things so, I have extra water frozen to keep foods cold & to use, canned foods & don’t forget the opener, a way to cook & cleaners, gloves & things for safety, even a bucket to go in should we need it.
Wendy says
We have a good supply of food, but need to have a water storage also.
Daniel M says
need candles, food and radio
Angela Winesburg says
we have plenty of water/food and a back up generator, thanks!
Ger says
We have made a plan and are making plans for an emergency kit.
Kim W says
We are stocking up on food and flashlights and batteries
Carrie Z says
We keep supplies in our basement since in the midwest, Tornados are our biggest concern. We have flashlights, blankets food and water.
Cheryl Free says
Grabbed your button
Cheryl Free says
I’m going to make a plan including a pre-packed emergency bag ヅ *Thanks* for the giveaway!
Sara says
Keeping a shovel in my car!
Missy Lynnh says
We aren’t ready. We need to have supplies ready in a certain spot, plans for meeting/contacting each other, and a designated spot. I think the most important thing we need is a tub or bag of essentials like water, food, batteries, medical supplies, blankets, flashlights, etc..
Desiree Dunbar says
I found out I need to pack an Emergency Readiness Bag.
Charlotte V. says
Took the ready challenge and learned alot of new things that I should do differently. It’s sad to say but my family would not be ready for any emergency. This challenge really makes you wake up!
Brittney House says
My family has a plan for major disasters and have a meeting place in case of fires.
Terri says
No, I’m not very prepare, but should be because we live in an disaster prone area. A few years ago, we had to evacuate due to multiple fires here in San Diego County & my nephew’s apartment building was destroyed. He lost everything he didn’t have on/with him. We also have earthquakes, which we should be prepared for, but I tend to think there are other more areas that are more prone to large earthquakes. However, it could happen here as well.
Joelle D says
I’ve been stocking up on non-perishable foods for us and dog food for my pups.
Regina says
We are stocked up on canned fruit.
tarter95 at hotmail dot com
Carol Bryant says
Batteries, battery radio, prescriptions, baby wipes, flashlights, toliet paper, cards, dominoes, non perishable food, MRE’s, blankets, shovel, first aid kit, anything you need taylored to your family.
debbie says
We have extra food, water, a way to cook, extra lights.
Tina W says
We keep a weather radio, flashlight and water in our storm closet.
ronda peyton says
i will have a emergency bag ready to grab if we need to leave the house quickly, ill have phone numbers wrote done ready incase the phone goes dead, set up a meeting place with family
Darcie K says
I love the idea of having an emergency bag that is ready to go.
Michelle Tucker says
We have a bin of food, water and emergency supplies at the ready all the time, in case of emergency.
Jen says
extra water food and go bags
susan says
Packing items in our car.
Rebecca Niehaus says
We have a large stock of canned goods including canned meats,protein bars etc., lots of extra water, blankets, a wind-up lantern, weather radio with extra batteries, first aid supplies, extra medications… the only thing I worry about is what I would do with my African Grey Parrot. She is not able to handle being without heat.
Tracy Gnann says
I am packing a winter bag to keep in my car in case I get caught in a storm. Warm socks and mittens, boots, granolla bars, blanket.
Amanda Alvarado says
We shouldn’t be having any storms here until Hurricane season. We always make sure we have plenty of water and canned goods, candles, charcoal, propane tank, batteries etc during hurricane season just in case one actually hits here.
Kristie says
I have a list of a couple of things that need to be added to my emergency kit. I also like to replace my emergency snacks once a year.
Marjorie says
As a former nurse for NYC DOH, I received many trainings. However, this was like a slap in the face.mi will put it all into use
Pat says
We are getting together canned goods, water, blankets, lanterns and flashlights.
susan varney says
establish a place for all of use to meet have plenty of batteries and updating our first aid kit
Christine says
collected canned foods
christine jessamine says
i have a few emergency kits in my home and car
Misty Jensen says
We just started our family and are working on becoming more prepared. We have been focusing mainly on food, but need to get more necessities.
Ms. T says
Something I need..
Pauline M says
My family has 72 hour kits available in the house and car, with extra in the garage for neighbors if needed. We also have our 72 second kits, out of state contacts to coordinate efforts, and emergency meeting places.
Jodi Kershuk says
We have a blanket, water, cat litter, and snack in the car. In the house we stock up on can food.
BusyWorkingMama says
We stocked up on salt and non-perishable food.
brenda says
We have stocked up on batteries, flashlights, and candles.
Melissa O. says
My hubby has started putting a kit together. This kit would e a fantastic addition and great to grab and go.
Cindy Merrill says
We have a woodstove and a few oil lamps, so we’d do okay during a power outage. I would like to have some extra food stored away.
Kirsten says
We just lost power for 3 days. We had candles but not enough for that many days and discovered that our flashlights were not working well enough. It was an eye-opener. That said, we did have firewood and a fireplace for heat, plenty of food and water plus cash.
kelly chan says
I been looking for the perfect emergency kit! Please pick me! I would put it to use!
Lindsay S says
I live in NYC and I have an emergency lighting plugged in in two separate outlets, on in my kitchen and on in the hallway that will turn on if the power goes out.
Soha Molina says
I am going to stock up on water and food.
Mary A says
I have several things but am sure there are things I’m missing.
cheryl says
I use to live in the Midwest and learned quickly to always pack your vehicle with an emergency box containing food, water, can, candle, matches, blanket and other emergency items.
Heather says
I took the test but it didn’t give the option for having a pre-planned meeting place. My family has this already planned. We also have Items already packed and kept in the cars.
Jennifer Boyte says
I need to!
Sammi says
I have my cell phone in the car, but other than that, no emergency kit! so this would be great
Klydra P says
Living in Northern Maine for 5 years taught us you can never have enough “emergency” items on hand. Power going out became normal. I always have non perishables and plenty of water on hand.
Stacey Bicovny says
We live in Florida so we always keep plenty of water & canned foods in the house
Debbie jackson says
emergency food/water kit and a generator
Kayla says
We keep a blanket in our car!
Anna says
We have canned food, MRI’s batteries, flashights and plenty of bottled water. Also I have a weather radio, and dog food plus their health records and bandaids.
Julie Lynn Bickham says
All I have is blankets, flashlights, candles and canned goods. I really should start getting more prepared.
beth says
i keep water and food in the house
Amanda Kinder says
We are making sure we stock up on batteries, flashlights, and candles. We have bottled water in the garage.
Katherine says
We have a generator and keep warm blankets and flashlights
Danielle T says
Since we just recovered from our snow storm/power out for 4 days. I’ve decided to make a tote full of things that will help like blankets a can opener (that does not require power)flashlights with batteries, etc. That way it will all be in one place when we need it!
D Schmidt says
We have collected canned foods, batteries, matches, candles, blankets, bottled water and flash lights
Karen Gonyea says
I am in the process of doing emergency kits for each vehicle in the family. I was already pretty prepared for the house, but had NOTHING for the vehicles !!
Ann F says
I took the NYC Readiness Challenge.
I’m packing a storm readiness kit for our family.
abfantom at yahoo dot com
Marcie W. says
I am starting to collect canned goods and water for family food storage!
Caress says
I’ve started to get some things together but would love this one!
Tari Lawson says
I have yet to take any steps but I do plan to put together a car emergency kit for each of my vehicles.
Dottie says
I have taken fews steps other an have some canned food stocked up…..
Kathy Boccard says
I keep a blanket, some food and water, a flashlight and a first aid kit in the car.
Peter Gladue says
Extra water in the freezer