Working from home or simply trying to catch a break from your kids seeking constant entertainment while we’re all stuck inside can be a real challenge. Whether you have toddlers or teens, being away from their friends, and having lost their daily routine with school and kindergarten being canceled, they are struggling as much as everyone else. That is why I put together fun flower crafts for kids of all ages, below! These crafts are so fun!
So, if you don’t like the idea of leaving your kids in front of the TV all day (even though that can be an amazing opportunity to get some quiet some time for yourself!) but also don’t have too much time to hang out with them, here are a few super fun flower crafts for kids of all ages that FTD created and your kiddos can do without adult supervision!
Fun Flower Crafts For Kids Of All Ages!
1. This adorable handprint flower bookmark is the perfect craft for kids aged 4-10 years old. With younger kids, you probably want to help them out when they trace their handprint on the foam sheet and stick around when they use the glue but while they’re spending about twenty minutes on creating their personal flower bookmark, you can clean up or even get a load of laundry in!
2. If you don’t trust your kids with glue and scissors on their own, show them this easy origami tulip template. Origami is great for improving fine motor skills and if they enjoy this Japanese craft you can ask them to fold multiple tulips and see if they get any better the more they try. Origami is fun for all age groups and this template should easily guide your 6-12 year olds through the steps. While they’re crafting a whole field of paper tulips, you can read a book or respond to the emails that are piling up in your inbox.
3. When your children haven’t seen their friends in a while, they may want to craft a pretty flower card and send it to someone they think about. The flower card printable for kids aged 6-12 years old includes stems, flower heads, and even a couple of bows that your kids can color in, cut out, and then arrange to a bouquet of flowers. They can glue this bouquet on a card and send it to a loved one or craft a three-dimensional picture that they can even frame and hang up in their room.
4. Your tweens (and teens) will love this DIY flower bath bomb recipe. They can follow the instructions on the paper to create their own lavender or rose bath bombs or experiment and come up with their own scents. With some lemon essential oil and zest, they can make a citrus bath bomb to either use themselves or give to a friend. Or maybe they’ll give one to you and you can finally enjoy a quiet and relaxing bath!
5. For kids of all ages who just can’t get enough of coloring, these flower coloring pages are just the right activity to pass the time. If you can find googly eyes among your crafting materials, give them a few so they can add funny eyes to their colored flowers. If you need even more downtime, ask them to find objects in the house that would look funny with eyes glued onto them. That should keep them busy for long enough so you can finish whatever it was you started before they showed you their finished masterpieces.
Whichever fun flower crafts for kids you print out for your children, they will surely buy you some time alone and entertain your little ones so they forget about their worries for a while!
Dianna l Thomas says
Homeschooling the kiddos again has left us with plenty of fun with crafts –some great ideas here
Kim Delatorre says
Yes, we have to be so creative!