Spring’s finally here and summer won’t be too far behind it. That means a lot more sun for all of us, but also a lot more risk of the many complications that the sun can cause for our skin. Check out my skin-loving tips, below!
Sure, you know to protect your skin from UV rays, but are you sure that you’re doing it in the best possible way? Here, we’re going to make sure you take care of your skin in the best possible way and ensure that you’re taking the sun as seriously as you should.
Get Ready For The Sun With These Skin-Loving Tips
Get the right kind of protection
Sure, you know that you’re going to need some kind of sunscreen to protect you from the harmful UV rays. However, not any old SPF will do you just fine. Depending on your natural skin tone and whether or not you have more sensitive skin than others, you might need a little more protection.
Find out what SPF you should be using if you’re out in the sun, and make sure that your sunscreen protects against both UV-A and UV-B rays, not just one. If you’re out and about and don’t have time to research what SPF you should use, use one of the higher ones, like SPF 70.
Make sure you’re applying it the right way
Okay, so you have a good UV-A and UV-A protecting sunscreen that’s at SPF 30 or higher. Aside from choosing the right sunscreen, you also need to make sure you’re wearing it the right way. For one, apply it as early if you can, even if you’re not going outdoors.
On a very sunny day, the sunlight that filters through the home can still do a little damage. Apply sunscreen 30 minutes before you head out, and reapply it every two hours to make sure you get the protection you need. Whatever skin you have exposed, be sure to apply it there. It’s better to be liberal with the sunscreen than to use too little, in any case.
Remember that sunscreen doesn’t provide 100% protection from the sun
Even if you cake yourself in a layer of sunscreen that’s five inches deep, there is still going to be some portion of UV rays that can penetrate that coverage. As such, other skincare products that provide some SPF protection are a good idea, as well.
There are high-SPV lip balms that can make sure your lips aren’t burned, for instance. Otherwise, make use of clothes, such as a wide-brimmed hat that won’t be easily moved or knocked off, wrap-around sunglasses that have the signature mark of UV protection on them, and long-sleeved shirts when possible. Naturally, there will be some times you want to enjoy the feeling of the sun, but afford yourself more protection when possible.
Hydrate that skin
The sun can damage the skin directly, but it also dries out the skin as well. There are several signs your skin is dehydrated and that you need to do something about it. It might be itchy and flaking off, for instance. It can also feel more sensitive, meaning that any irritants such as dust and bacteria are more likely to cause it to break out into irritation and itchiness.
Furthermore, dehydration makes you a lot more prone to fine lines and wrinkles. You can test this by pinching the skin and seeing if fine lines disappear quickly or if they hang around for a while. If it’s the latter, then you need to do more to stay hydrated.
What to do if you see dark spots: Skin-Loving Tips
If you see new marks during the summer, it doesn’t necessarily have to be the worst possible scenario. Skin cancer is very much a concern, so you should definitely get it checked out. In most cases, however, it’s going to be hyperpigmentation, instead.
Your skin might be producing too much pigment due to overexposure to sunlight. Aside from better protecting your skin in the future, be sure to use things like Clarins even skin tone products to lighten those dark spots and restore the balance to your skin.
Chemical peels and laser treatments can also correct the skin or remove the very top layer to reveal the undamaged and unblemished skin beneath if you need a more immediate solution. Another effective treatment for hyperpigmentation is ClearifiRx, a unique treatment that is customized by world-class dermatologists for clear, even, and youthful-looking skin.
Beware of more breakouts
There is a common myth that sunlight actually helps in the fight against acne. Indeed, the lack of vitamin D from sunlight can be a cause of acne. And it’s true that the sun can temporarily dry out the skin, which reduces the production of the oils that clog your pores, which then leads to acne.
However, this dryness can become a problem when it turns into dehydration. As mentioned, dehydration is a big problem when it comes to the sun and your skin. Use a sugar scrub to help you both clear your pores and better hydrate your skin so that acne is less of an issue in the summer. Use cool water to wash, rather than hot, to avoid overheating your skin, too.
Blotchiness can be your enemy as well
When it’s sunny, sunlight isn’t the only problem. Heat can be a real issue too, especially if you’re a hot sleeper and double especially if you have sensitive skin. The heat can cause your skin’s temperature to increase.
As this happens, your skin can then become red and blotchy, and it can even look like a break out of acne. Above we looked at skin tone products that can help you cover up the issue, but you can solve it by keeping your skin hydrated and cool, as well. Gel Masks as shown at Teen Vogue can do precisely that. Pay attention they don’t have dehydrating ingredients like parabens or perfume in them, however.
Don’t underestimate the impact that too much exposure to sunlight can have on your skin. Be sure to follow the tips above and be careful when you go outdoors. If you want to tan, make sure you’re doing it safely. I hope these skin-loving tips helped you!