I don’t know of one person that doesn’t enjoy their home smelling nice. Scentsy is one of the wonderful ways to get your home to smell fabulous, very quickly!
Scentsy has some beautiful warmers and a huge selection of scents to choose from. I always love browsing their catalogs or looking online at the newest goodies they have. They always stay up to date with that, that is what I love about Scentsy.
I have reviewed Scensty before, that is why I KNOW it works and know how wonderful it smells!
This post includes my affiliate links.
The girls at work were just talking about this product last week.
Lush Gardenia ……..Lucky in Love Scentsy Bar……
Thunderstorm Scentsy Bar
is what i would choose.
texaswaitress (at) live (dot) com
ms_fleur says
Gianna says
I’m a GFC follower.
Gianna says
Baked Apple Pie, Sugar Cookie and Berry Blush.
Sand says
I would love to try Cinnamon Vanilla, Welcome Home & Honey Pear Cider.
ms_fleur says
crystal M says
tweet 3 http://twitter.com/lovemy21B/status/67777616442167296
cbrocious1984 AT gmail dot com
crystal M says
tweet 2 http://twitter.com/lovemy21B/status/67777409314861056
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crystal M says
shared in facebook http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=215905418437338&id=1531116249
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crystal M says
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crystal M says
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crystal M says
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crystal M says
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cbrocious1984 AT gmail dot com
crystal M says
SUGAR is my FAV! and really want to try sugar cookie, shades of green and cucumber lime
cbrocious1984 AT gmail dot com
Anne says
I tweeted
Anne says
I am a facebook fan (Anne Jolly) of yours
Anne says
I follow on twitter, lunaj1456
Anne says
I am a facebook fan (Anne Jolly) of who needs wicks
susan smoaks says
i would choose the camu camu, sugar cookie and lucky in love
Keenly Kristin says
I like you on FB (Kristin K).
Keenly Kristin says
Follow you on Twitter @kristinnw.
Keenly Kristin says
GFC follower (Kristin).
Keenly Kristin says
I would choose Beach, Lilacs and Violets, and Flirtatious.
Krista (Monkeygirl Savings) says
Breanne says
I follow you on Twitter @RazzMyBerry.
Breanne says
I follow Who Needs Wicks on Twitter @RazzMyBerry.
Breanne says
GFC follower.
Breanne says
I’d choose French Lavender, Lilacs & Violets, and Havana Cabana
mistysunrise says
shared on facebook as misty sunrise
itsjustme62613 at gmail.com
mistysunrise says
itsjustme62613 at gmail.com
Geri says
I would love to try White Tea & Cactus, Sunkissed Citrus and Clean Breeze if I won.
melissa says
daily tweet
melisa0072 at gmail dot com
Mama Swears says
I like you on Facebook: Kristen H-R
mamaswears at gmail dot com
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Mama Swears says
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Mama Swears says
I follow you via gfc as krishackney
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Mama Swears says
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mamaswears at gmail dot com
Cassondra says
muloove at yahoo dot com
Mama Swears says
I follow Who Needs Wicks on Twitter as @mamaswears
mamaswears at gmail dot com
Mama Swears says
I’d choose Camu Camu, Sharp Dressed Man and Echo.
mamaswears at gmail dot com
Lynn says
I would love to try the Skinny Dippin’, Sweet Pea & Vanilla, and White Tea and Cactus scents.
Kristi C says
daily tweet http://twitter.com/#!/5memb/status/67610663446523904
Anne says
I like lilacs and violets, sticky cinnamon bun and flutter
kelley wood says
karen b says
tweeted – entry 2
karen b says
tweeted – entry 1
ms_fleur says
Nancy Meyer says
I follow on GFC.
nancymeyer1 at gmail dot com
Nancy Meyer says
I would love Lucky in Love, Hemingway, and Pima Cotton.
nancymeyer1 at gmail dot com
mistysunrise says
follow you on twitter from @Mistysunrise
itsjustme62613 at gmail.com
mistysunrise says
itsjustme62613 at gmail.com
shawna says
I would like the rio beach.
mistysunrise says
follow you on GFC as its just me
itsjustme62613 at gmail.com
mistysunrise says
like Who Needs Wicks on facebook as misty sunrise
itsjustme62613 at gmail.com
mistysunrise says
I would choose Lilacs & Violets, Perfectly Pomegranate, and Clean Breeze
itsjustme62613 at gmail.com
KAREN says
Krista (Monkeygirl Savings) says
kelley wood says
Debra Hall says
im a facebook fan
Debra Hall says
i’d like to try the satin sheets,sunkissed citrus and cherry limeade
Ashley says
Clean Breeze, Beach, and French Lavender.
Nicole says
I’d choose Lilacs & Violets, Faerie Blossom, and Go-Go-Goji.
Cassondra says
muloove at yahoo dot com
Kerri Malary says
I like Lush Gardenia, Embers, and Red Candy Apple.
Karen A. says
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Karen A. says
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Karen A. says
I’d like Autumn Sunset, Cranberry Mango and Cucumber Lime
Karen says
melissa says
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melisa0072 at gmail dot com
kittycardero says
kittycardero says
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kittycardero says
I would choose beach, ocean and white sands.
ms_fleur says
karen b says
karen b says
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karen b says
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karen b says
I would choose Vanilla Suede, French Kiss and Ocean. Thanks for the giveaway
kelley wood says
Dara Nix says
I “like” Shop with Me Mama on Facebook (Dara Nix)
kitty32504 at cox dot net
Dara Nix says
Tweeted Mother’s Day Gifts Guide here: https://twitter.com/#!/Kitty32504/status/66976692014546944
Dara Nix says
I follow Shop with Me Mama on Twitter (@Kitty3254)
kitty32504 at cox dot net
Dara Nix says
Tweeted giveaway here: https://twitter.com/#!/Kitty32504/status/66976187112620032
Dara Nix says
I publicly follow you on GFC (Cataroo)
kitty32504 at cox dot net
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kitty32504 at cox dot net
Dara Nix says
I follow Who Needs Wicks on Twitter (@Kitty32504)
kitty32504 at cox dot net
Dara Nix says
I Scentsy bars I would love to have are the Silhouette, the Luna, and Lush Gardenia!
kitty32504 at cox dot net
Em says
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Em says
Hazlenut Latte, Ocean, and Cherry Limeade
Krista (Monkeygirl Savings) says
Krista (Monkeygirl Savings) says
2)shared your mothers day gift guide on twitter
Krista (Monkeygirl Savings) says
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Claire says
I’d pick Cranberry Mango, Vanilla Creme and Hazelnut Latte.
brianna ross says
tweeted today
brianna ross says
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kelley wood says
Cara Schneider says
I interacted and posted on FB 🙂
Cara Schneider says
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Cara Schneider says
I would LOVE Cranberry Mango, Pima Cotton, and Flutter
Thank you
melissa says
melisa0072 at gmail dot com
Krista (Monkeygirl Savings) says
Krista (Monkeygirl Savings) says
2) Shared your Mothers Day Gift Guide
Krista (Monkeygirl Savings) says
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Cassondra says
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Cassondra says
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Cassondra says
blog button;
muloove at yahoo dot com
Cassondra says
muloove at yahoo dot com
Cassondra says
i like Shop with Me Mama on fb.
Cassondra Law
muloove at yahoo dot com
Cassondra says
tweet mothers day gift guide;
muloove at yahoo dot com
Cassondra says
tweet mothers day gift guide;
muloove at yahoo dot com
Cassondra says
i follow @shopwithmemama.
muloove at yahoo dot com
Cassondra says
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muloove at yahoo dot com
Cassondra says
muloove at yahoo dot com
Cassondra says
i like Who Needs Wicks on fb.
Cassondra Law
muloove at yahoo dot com
Cassondra says
i follow @WhoNeedsWicks.
muloove at yahoo dot com
Cassondra says
i would get:
Cucumber Lime Scentsy Bar
Love Story Scentsy Bar &
Flirtatious Scentsy Bar
muloove at yahoo dot com
Melanie Morin says
Interacted on your FB page : http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=195415040501510&id=123662501010098
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Alyssa says
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Alyssa says
I follow Who Needs Wicks on Facebook- Alyssa K.
Alyssa says
I follow Who Needs Wicks on Twitter- LyssLovingLyla.
Alyssa says
I would try Berry Blush, Camu Camu and White Tea & Cactus.
Melanie Morin says
I would pick Black Raspberry Vanilla, Ocean and Coconut Lemongrass.
Terra Heck says
follow you on twitter, partymix25
Terra Heck says
follow your blog via GFC
Terra Heck says
I’d like Sticky Cinnamon Bun, Lucky in Love, and Cherry Limeade. Thanks.
ms_fleur says
Talisha Sturms says
I liked shop with me mama on facebook .My facebook name is Talisha Sturms.
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I liked Who needs wicks on facebook. My facebook name is Talisha Sturms.
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Talisha Sturms says
I am following taryn dwyer on twitter. My twitter name is scoobybabe2004.
[email protected]
Talisha Sturms says
Berry Blush, Groovy grapefruit, go go goji are the scents i would love to try out. They all sound so good.
[email protected]
melissa says
melisa0072 at gmail dot com
brianna ross says
i tweeted this
Hanna says
I would choose autumn sunset, thunderstorm, and sharp-dressed man!
giveawaychu at gmail dot com
Krista (Monkeygirl Savings) says
2) shared your mothers day gift guide on twitter
Krista (Monkeygirl Savings) says
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Debbie jackson says
twu as jacksondeb
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Debbie jackson says
Debbie jackson says
clean beach, thunderstorm and cinnamon
kelley wood says
nan says
gfc nannypanpan
nan says
i would get 2 baked apple pie..my favorite and a cocoa clementine
nannypanpan at gmail.com
Saundra C says
My three favorite scenty scents are sugar cookie, mocha doodle, and beach.
[email protected]
melissa says
melisa0072 at gmail dot com
Emily Robison says
follow shop with me on FB
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Emily Robison says
I like the baked apple pie, black raspberry vanilla and cinnamon vanilla scent
Krista (Monkeygirl Savings) says
2) Shared your Mother’s Day Gift Guide
Krista (Monkeygirl Savings) says
1) Shared your Mother’s Day Gift Guide
Krista (Monkeygirl Savings) says
Krista (Monkeygirl Savings) says
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Karen says
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entry #2
JaKell M says
button @ http://smileadaygiveaways.blogspot.com/
JaKell M says
Sticky Cinnamon bun
cranberry mango
perfectly pomegrant
kelley wood says
brianna ross says
I tweeted 5/4
Jean F says
I follow with gfc.
Jean F says
Lilacs and violets; love story; camu camu
brianna ross says
I tweeted this
Debbie R says
Sara Mather says
2 blogged http://freegiveawaysforyou.blogspot.com/2011/05/scentsy-mothers-day-giveaway.html
Sara Mather says
1 blogged http://freegiveawaysforyou.blogspot.com/2011/05/scentsy-mothers-day-giveaway.html
Sara Mather says
2 Grabbed your button its on the left side http://freegiveawaysforyou.blogspot.com/
Sara Mather says
1 Grabbed your button its on the left side http://freegiveawaysforyou.blogspot.com/
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Sara Mather says
I would choose sticky cinnamon bun, vanilla cream, and french lavender.
Monkeygirl Savings says
Monkeygirl Savings says
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Monkeygirl Savings says
1) Shared your Mothers Day Gift Guide on Twitter
brianna ross says
melissa says
daily tweet
melisa0072 at gmail dot com
kelley wood says
Karen says
Karen says
I would like Jumpin Jelly Bean, Coconut Lemongrass and Red Candy Apple.
brianna ross says
5/3 tweet
Lesli says
Your button is on my blog! 2
Lesli says
Your button is on my blog!
littleumbrella (at) wow (dot) com
Lesli says
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My Twitter ID is @alittleumbrella
Lesli says
I would like beach, havana cabana and white sands
ms_fleur says
ms_fleur says
ms_fleur says
Diane says
I follow Who Needs Wicks on twitter im @dwalline
Diane says
I Like Who Needs Wicks on Facebook im Diane MEHimAndTheCats
Diane says
Black Raspberry Vanilla
Lucky in Love
French Kiss
Monkeygirl Savings says
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Monkeygirl Savings says
Monkeygirl Savings says
Monkeygirl Savings says
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Monkeygirl Savings says
1) Shared my Mothers Day Gifts Guide on FB
Monkeygirl Savings says
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Monkeygirl Savings says
1) Shared my Mothers Day Gifts Guide on Twitter
Monkeygirl Savings says
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Monkeygirl Savings says
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Monkeygirl Savings says
They have so many fun scents at Scentsy! Hard to choose. I would like to try Luna, Love Story, and Mochadoodle!
melissa says
daily tweet
melisa0072 at gmail dot com
Kristi C says
tweet http://twitter.com/#!/5memb/status/65213360400109568
Kristi C says
follow you on twitter @5memb
Kristi C says
I would like to try Cherry Limeade, Pomatini, and Go-Go-Goji.
brianna ross says
i tweeted
Katie says
I would love to try the blueberry cheesecake scent, camu camu scent and the you go girl scent.
Ladytink_534 says
Ladytink_534 says
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Ladytink_534 says
I LIKE them on FB~ Jennifer L.
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Ladytink_534 says
My favorite item is the the Cherry Limeade, the Enchanted Mist, and the Faerie Blossom Scentsy Bar
Heather McDonough says
Rio Beach, Camu Camu and Havana Cabana.
brianna ross says
kelley wood says
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kelley wood says
kelley wood says
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kelley wood says
Havana Cabana, Thunderstorm and French Kiss 🙂
Ashley says
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Ashley says
Mother’s Day gift guide tweet
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Ashley says
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Ashley says
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Ashley says
Your button is on my blog http://mylittlespace4everything.blogspot.com
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Ashley says
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Ashley says
I would choose the White Sands, Ocean, & Beach bars!
[email protected]
Marsha Perdue says
Sticky Cinnamon Bun, Cranberry Mango, Hemmingway
Aleks says
FB fan of yours!
Aleks says
GFC follower
Aleks says
busyworkingmama follows you on twitter
Aleks says
1) lilac and violets
2) sunkissed citrus
3) sweet pea and vanilla
Mama Zen says
I would choose Amber Road, Tea Party, and Baked Apple Pie!
brianna ross says
5/2 tweet
ms_fleur says
Nicole Holt says
Liked Shop With Me Mama on Facebook.
Nicole Holt says
Liked who needs wicks on facebook
Nicole Holt says
I would choose baked apple pie, black raspberry vanilla and french kiss. 🙂
ms_fleur says
brianna ross says
Brandy says
I would love to try Baked Apple Pie, Clean Breeze, and Ocean scentsy scents for bars!
melissa says
daily tweet
melisa0072 at gmail dot com
Sharon Harmon says
I would choose Clean Breeze, Thunderstorm and Beach! 😉
Kimberly Lontrato says
I would choose french lavender, lilacs & violets, French Kiss
Brn2lisn (at) gmail dot com
Robin G says
Oooh! I love the limestone midsize warmer. If i was able to pick 3 scents I would go with the Shades of Green, Satin Sheets, and Wishing well!
Heather McDonough says
I like Cranberry Mango, Beach and Newborn Nursery.
lisa w says
follow swmm via gfc lisamarie
lisa w says
like swmm on facebook
lisa w says
cranberry mango, thunderstorm, & lilacs & violets
Kerry says
alsatia23 at hotmail dot com
Kerry says
follow you on twitter – @kezzygibbs
alsatia23 at hotmail dot com
Kerry says
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alsatia23 at hotmail dot com
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gfc follower – kerry gibbs
alsatia23 at hotmail dot com
Kerry says
follow who needs wicks on twitter – @kezzygibbs
alsatia23 at hotmail dot com
Kerry says
I’d like to try blueberry cheesecake, black raspberry vanilla and cranberry mango
alsatia23 at hotmail dot com
brianna ross says
5/1 tweet
ms_fleur says
Debbie R says
brianna ross says
I tweeted
ms_fleur says
melissa says
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melissa n
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melissa says
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melissa says
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melissa R
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melissa says
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melissa n
melisa0072 at gmail dot com
melissa says
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melisa0072 at gmail dot com
melissa says
i would like to try the cranberry mango, cucumber lime, and the thunderstorm.
melisa0072 at gmail dot com
brianna ross says
Toni Lyons says
I would like the Newborn Nursery, Clove & Cinnamon, Ocean Breeze.
ms_fleur says
ms_fleur says
Guide: http://twitter.com/#!/ms_fleur/status/64388797751762944 #2
ms_fleur says
Guide: http://twitter.com/#!/ms_fleur/status/64388797751762944
ms_fleur says
I follow Shop with Me Mama on Twitter, @ms_fleur
ms_fleur says
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ms_fleur says
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ms_fleur says
I follow Who Needs Wicks on Twitter, @ms_fleur
ms_fleur says
I love the Chateau warmer first of all! And for scents, I love ‘Love Story’, ‘Luna’ and ‘Enchanted Mist’. 🙂
amy v says
amy v says
i love the lamb buddy!
Kimberly says
I like Shop with Me Mama on FB
[email protected]
Kimberly says
GFC follower
[email protected]
Kimberly says
I would like to try Groovy Grapefruit, Beach and French Lavendar
[email protected]
Cathy W says
FB share: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=207176375979692&id=100000204187513
Cathy W says
Cathy W says
Shared Mothers Day Gifts Guide on FB: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=208698409152464&id=100000204187513
Cathy W says
Shared Mothers Day Gifts Guide on FB: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=208698409152464&id=100000204187513
Cathy W says
Guide tweet: http://twitter.com/cjwallace43/status/64368452122583040
Cathy W says
Guide tweet: http://twitter.com/cjwallace43/status/64368452122583040
Cathy W says
I’d like sunkissed citrus, lilacs & violets, and shades of green.
mickeyfan says
Mums&Marigolds, Lilacs&Violets, and Sugar Cookie.
Tracie Trump says
Shared giveaway on FB! [email protected]
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Tracie Trump says
Follow Who needs Wicks on FB! [email protected]
Tracie Trump says
Love the limestone warmer with french lavender, meditterean sea and beach scentsy bars! [email protected]
brianna ross says
I tweeted
brianna ross says
Im a GFC follower
Jenn W. says
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Jennifer Ruof Wilson
brianna ross says
I like shop with me mama on facebook
brianna ross says
I follow shop with me mama on twitter at mommy2thr33
brianna ross says
I like the baked apple pie, french lavender and Black Raspberry Vanilla scents
Jenn W. says
like who needs wicks on fb
Jennifer Ruof Wilson
Jenn W. says
gfc follower-jennifer wilson
Jenn W. says
I’d like sunkissed citrus, lilacs &violets, and shades of green.
jenniferwlsn33 at gmail dot com
Nicole C. says
I like Shop with Me Mama on Facebook.
Nicole C. says
I follow on gfc.
Nicole C. says
I would love to win the Camu Camu, Sunkissed Citrus, and the Skinny Dippin’ scents.
susan varney says
french lavendar [email protected]
Amber D. says
Entry #2: I commented on a non-giveaway post: https://shopwithmemama.com/2011/03/blueberry-biscuits#comment-140680
Amber D. says
Entry #1: I commented on a non-giveaway post: https://shopwithmemama.com/2011/03/blueberry-biscuits#comment-140680
Amber D. says
I follow with GFC! : )
Amber D. says
I “liked” Shop with Me Mama on FB
Amber D. says
I liked Who Needs Wicks on FB
Amber D. says
If I won I would choose Lucky in Love, camu camu, and Baked Apple Pie!
Debbie R says
Debbie R says
Debbie R says
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Debbie R says
Follow via Twitter – ispkmymind
Debbie R says
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Debbie R says
Liked Who Needs Wicks on Facebook – Debbie Ramirez
Debbie R says
Following Who Needs Wicks on Twitter – Ispkmymind
Debbie R says
I would like Lucky in love, Rio Beach, and Havana Cabana.
Amanda Koopman says
Beach, Thunderstorm, and Rio Beach… those sound like they smell soooo good!!
alecia says
french lavender, lilacs & violets, French Kiss
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