In this post, we will discuss The Health Benefits Of Oatmeal. Waking up to a bowl of oatmeal can have many health benefits. Unlike many other breakfast kinds of cereal, oatmeal is not as processed and is therefore not loaded with sugar and additives. In fact, it’s incredibly nutritious and is full of vitamins and minerals that you don’t get in many other kinds of cereal. Below are just some of the great reasons to start consuming oatmeal more regularly.

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Lower blood cholesterol
Cholesterol is a type of fat found in our blood. If your cholesterol levels get too high, arteries can become blocked – one of the leading causes of strokes and heart attacks. Eating oatmeal can reduce your blood cholesterol levels because it’s full of soluble fiber.
This fiber can reduce the amount of fat being absorbed into your bloodstream, instead keeping it in your intestine so that it is removed by the body. All in all, if you want to lower your blood cholesterol, it’s worth eating more oatmeal.
Reduce blood sugar levels
Regularly consuming oatmeal may also prevent as much sugar from entering your blood – which could help to prevent/manage diabetes. Just as fiber reduces the amount of fat entering the blood, it can also reduce the amount of sugar entering the blood by keeping it in the gut.
The nutrients in oatmeal are also anti-inflammatory, which can reduce insulin spikes that may lead to high blood sugar levels. Of course, to enjoy these benefits, make sure that you’re not loading your oatmeal with added sugar.
Boost skin health
Oatmeal could also be great for your skin due to its being loaded with amino acids and antioxidants. Studies have found that consuming oatmeal may help to reduce skin discoloration. Oatmeal can also have other skin benefits when applied directly to the skin instead of being consumed.
In fact, raw oats have been used as a natural exfoliant and moisturizer for centuries. Research shows that oats can reduce inflammation and boost collagen production. Products such as oatmeal body wash could help you to explore these benefits.
Improve gut health
Oatmeal is the perfect food for boosting your gut health. It’s not only full of fiber but full of a special type of fiber that can nourish healthy gut bacteria. This makes it overall easier to break down food and relieves issues like bloating and constipation. It also helps your body to absorb more nutrients from other food sources, while also filtering out the stuff you don’t need such as excess fat and sugar.
Help manage weight
Oatmeal may help you to manage your weight. Not only does it help prevent you from absorbing as much fat, but its soluble fiber content helps you to feel fuller afterward than you may do with other cereals.
This prevents the need to snack throughout the morning and could help you to maintain a healthy weight by not overeating. As mentioned already, just be sure not to add too much sugar to your oatmeal, as this will cancel out these effects.