If you’ve ever had a pet, you know how quickly they can become part of the family. Whether it’s a friendly lick to greet you at the door, or resting on your chest while watching movies on the couch, pets have a way of making life a noticeably sweeter experience.
That said, your cute pooch or little furball has expenses like everyone else in your home. And they can rack up quickly! Think about it; besides being one more mouth to feed, your pet will need accessories like a crate or a litter box, medicine if they fall ill, and perhaps a toy or two to live their best life. It’s a lot to consider if you’re yearning for extra companionship but constrained to a tight budget.
There is of course always a way with a little grit and determination. By implementing three simple adjustments to your spending habits, you can make room for a new edition to the family and bring the joy of a pet to your kids’ lives.
Three Ways to Work Your Pet Into Your Budget
Increase Your Emergency Fund
Tally up all of your pet’s expenses for the month and determine what percentage of that you can contribute to your emergency fund on a monthly basis.
By allocating rainy-day money to your pet’s needs, you can rest assured that they’ll be taken care of if your car breaks down, you lose your job, or have to recover from an injury over an extended period of time.
Save diligently for the unexpected and your kids, whether two-legged or four-legged, will never have to do without. If you do catch yourself in a bind, and basic necessities are at stake, stop by GoDay to learn how a payday loan can help you get back on your feet.
Let Things Last
This point is so simple that it’s easy to forget. When you buy your pet a new item, let them wear it out before replacing it. Unlike children, your dog or cat has no sense of what is fashionable or how they’re perceived by others.
They will play with the same old cardboard box or raggedy chew toy until you take it away from them. As long as they’re entertained, there’s no reason to dip into your wallet.
Buy in Bulk
The great thing about pet stores is how easy it is to take advantage of deals to stock up on food and supplies. Dry pet food that’s unopened will stay fresh for up to eighteen months, while the canned variety will keep for as long as five years. There’s a lot of flexibility here to use these expiration dates in your budget’s favor.
The trick is to buy as much food as you can without being wasteful. You wouldn’t want to serve your pet expired food a year-and-a-half down the line.
Spending money efficiently isn’t rocket science. It’s a matter of setting goals and putting responsible savings habits into practice to reach them.
Payday lenders should be used only as a last resort. Follow the steps we’ve covered until they become second nature and you’ll soon be introducing yourself to a new furry friend.
A quick search on the internet will provide you with tons of options to pay for your pet when the unthinkable happens. A personal loan is one of the most popular choices simple click here. It is easy to obtain as long as you know where to look.