Things Every California Pet Owner Needs!!! No one quite treats their pets like Californians do. We want them by our sides constantly, whether we are out at a restaurant or in the work office. There is nothing we won’t do for our pets!
That does not mean it is always easy being a pet owner in California. Vet bills are extremely expensive, the heat can make life difficult for pets originally from colder climates, and some offices won’t let you bring your pets anywhere close.
As a pet owner in California, there are some things that make life easier. Here are 5 things every California pet owner needs.
1. California Pet Insurance
Let’s start with the most basic. Pet insurance is one of those things that pet owners avoid looking into until it is too late. Suddenly, when you’re hit with a vet bill of thousands of dollars, you wish you’d thought about it sooner.
The reality is that many people have this idea that pets should not be treated as humans, and while health insurance for humans is non-negotiable, it is an indulgence for pets. However, when push comes to shove, you will do anything it takes to keep your pet healthy. Not getting pet insurance only leaves you in the lurch when you need it most.
Try Lemonade Pet Insurance (available in California). It covers diagnostics, treatments, and medications in case of an accident or illness. It will give you peace of mind and is not unaffordable either.
2. Stain and Odor Removers
Let’s face it. Some pets were never meant to live in hot climates. If you adopt a pet from a shelter and they have a thick fur coat, they’re probably going to struggle during the hottest days. On these hot days, they will want to stay inside all the time, and they may well leave stains and odors all over your home.
Instead of just learning to live with it – or leaving your pet outside in the heat – have stain and odor removers on hand at all times. You’ll feel far more comfortable inviting guests home and will appreciate not smelling your pet when you go out.
3. Pet Beds
For the same reason, you should get a bed for your pet. Some pet owners love having their pets sleep in the bed with them. The problem is that this creates habits and you find them jumping on all your furniture. You do not want a home in which people avoid sitting on the furniture because of all the pet hair!
Beds for pets are incredibly cute, and they will learn to love their very own part of the home.
4. Collar With a Tag
You might want your pet to feel freer in its skin and avoid collars for this reason. However, you get very comfortable collars that they can wear relatively loosely without any concern. Attached to their collar you should have a tag with the information necessary to get in touch should they be found on the streets by a stranger.
No one plans on letting their pets loose at the wrong time or leaving a door open but these things happen. A collar with a tag can save you a lot of worries and help ensure your pet returns to you as soon as possible.
5. Grooming Supplies: Things Every California Pet Owner Needs
Do you want to groom your pet regularly? Probably not. It is a difficult task especially if they hate being bathed. However, professional grooming services are expensive. Unless you’re very well off financially, you won’t want to pay for professional grooming every week. That does not mean you should let your pet go ungroomed in-between visits to the groomer.
Make sure you have all the grooming supplies your particular pet needs. Spend a bit extra on getting the best so that you have more incentive to groom your pets without too much trouble.
Owning a pet in California can be expensive, but that does not mean you should skimp or that a pet is unaffordable. The above 5 things are must-haves for Californian pet owners.