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Do Men Or Women Drive Safer? You might be surprised to find out that a recent study done by an insurance company in the UK found that women are better drivers than men, in all areas. Only 4% of women tailgate, while 27% of men got too close. Only 1% of women and 14% of men used dangerous maneuvers to cut into traffic. Half of men approached hazardous conditions too fast, with only a quarter of women not braking too soon. The study also showed that only 28% of women actually thought they were better drivers than men, while only 13% of men thought women were better drivers. Another US study by 4autoinsurancequote found that 80% of fatal collisions are caused by men.
In 2012, the CDC reported that there were 36 million licensed drivers over the age of 65 and an average of 586 of these older adults are injured every day in crashes in the United States. People over the age of 70 are the most likely to be involved in a crash and over 85’s have the highest number of crashes. Older adults can help prevent crashes by driving during less busy times and when visibility is best, during the day in good weather.
In 2013, the CDC also reported that in the United States six teens between the ages of 16 to 19 die every day in motor vehicle crashes. Male teenage drivers are twice as likely as females to be killed in a crash. If you have a teen that is driving or learning to drive, the CDC advises enrolling them in Graduated Driver Licensing Programs (GDL) which is more comprehensive than your standard driver’s education training. The CDC also recommends teens need to be encouraged to wear their seatbelts, as 56% of those involved in a fatal crash were not wearing belts.
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So, what do you have to say about these findings? Are you surprised or not?
Cynthia C says
I think women are more cautious, but I know I’m not as good driving in reverse.
kath g says
This is not a surprise to me at all. I’ve been saying this for a long time..it’s the men who are more aggressive drivers….of course no men ever agree with me 🙂
Angela A Simmons says
I believe women drive better I know I drive better then my husband
Lula Ruger says
This really does not suprise me at all ! I think women are more cautious in many respects
Em Mahr says
Yes, I always knew it! Now I have the proof to show my husband! However, I just heard that Norwegian University of Science and Technology conducted studies and found that men have a better sense of direction than women due to their increased testosterone. I guess if my husband navigates and I drive we’ll be all set!
ewhatley says
One day in the grocery store, I came around a corner and almost hit a soft drink delivery guy with my cart. We both laughed and I apologized for being such a bad woman driver. He told me woman drivers get a bad rap. He’s on the road all day, every day and he said men are much worse drivers. An expert opinion!
Mia says
The finding don’t surprise me at all. I think woman tend to be more cautious in their driving.
Karen Glatt says
I totally agree. 99% percent of the time when I look in the rear view mirror and wondering who is tailgating me it is a guy! I think it is so rude to tailgate a person and put pressure on a driver. Also, I see more men drive reckless than women!
Kim Delatorre says
Yes, I agree. Crazy, isn’t it? I HATE it when people get on my butt when I am driving. Makes me want to stop REAL fast!
Dagmar M says
I know I am a better driver than my husband!! His road rage is horrible lol he always tailgates
Kim Delatorre says
I know! My hubby has HORRIBLE road rage :/