Quick Tips For Traveling With Kids! When you pick up your shiny new car (don’t forget that new car smell!) you might want to think about hitting the open road and enjoying the best of what the country has to offer.
Of course, most people take the easy way out and book an airline ticket to the destination, but let’s face it, you won’t want to leave your new car once you have the keys, so why not take it along on a family road trip and skip the airport entirely? I have some quick tips for traveling with kids this summer and making your car or plane ride as kid-friendly as possible.
Quick Tips For Traveling With Kids
When planning a road trip, you’ve got to be realistic. Sure, you could take on one of those daunting Clark Griswold challenges and try to trek across the country, but the point of a vacation is not just to have fun but to take it easy. Road trips can be relaxing if you plan them correctly, but improper planning could make them less than enjoyable.
Planning a road trip has never been easier. Using your favorite map program (Google or Apple Maps are the most common), make sure you plan out pit stops in between destinations (and please don’t forget to stop for fun breaks in between- your kids will thank you).
You might be able to go for hours on the road, but your kids will be less resilient. Plan your trip to parks, beaches, or other exciting locations that can let them run free and move those muscles.
Also, make sure your car is ready for the journey. Sure, it might be brand new, but you should still check those tires and make sure everything is in working order. Have important numbers handy, such as your insurance or AAA, just in case something happens along the way.
Road trips can create some of the happiest family memories, and with lots of planning, there’s no reason yours shouldn’t be perfect!