Well, now I have seen/heard it all! Paintable rain boots for kids and adults? What a fun way for your kids (and you!) to encourage creativity with DIY paintable rain boots! So neat! Durable rainboots that you can paint? Show me where to buy!! *This post includes my affiliate links I was right too. When…Keep Reading
Hatley Offers Stylish Outerwear for Whole Family
*Products received. Opinions are my own. My kids love playing outside in the rain, snow, wind or sun. My littlest one loves to play outside the most though! Every time me, my hubby or his brother or sister are going outside he will cry until he is able to go out too! So cute! He…Keep Reading
April Showers Bring Batman Powers!
April Showers Bring Batman Powers! My little boy absolutely LOVES to play in the rain. We live in Washington state, so as you can all imagine we get a TON of rain all the dang time! Warner Bros. Consumer Products and Washington Shoe Company are unleashing the ultimate Bat-gadget this rainy season with a rain…Keep Reading