Moms are amazing, capable and wonderful creatures that roam this planet, taking care of everyone in their fortunate path. Moms are the reason for everyone making it into the world beyond the initial conception, after all, yet it’s still so taboo when mothers take an action to put themselves first.
I’m here to tell you it is okay, heck, it’s beyond okay. Often forgotten areas of life are the ones that are vital to survival, yet get pushed to the never to be addressed “tomorrow” list of to-dos.
There’s an aging and growing to be outdated notion that women need to be taken care of financially by someone else, and that’s nonsense.
While some choose to be financially taken care of by someone else, and that is totally okay too! most opt to take charge of their own finances, health and overall happiness in life.
Let’s take a look into some common areas to focus on for ensuring your own well-being is handled, so you can continue being the powerhouse everyone relies on:
- Financial health. So much of life requires money, and often lots of it. Sure, there are ways in which to figure out how to spend less or barter for free items, but that’s not the way that most operate in society. Working and earning money in order to pay for the desired lifestyle is the way for millions and millions of people all over the world. The more boring in the short term and exciting in the long term piece of this money puzzle is saving and investing. Short term saving needs might look like stowing away $500 in case of a flat tire that needs to be replaced, or $1000 stocked away in safe savings account in case you simply need a solo weekend away. It’s worth checking into getting yourself a credit union checking account if you don’t yet have your own and start with depositing as little as required. The important thing is to start. There’s no harm in taking time for yourself, and it’s just as important to have money for this as it is to have insurance in case of a medical emergency or car insurance in case someone dings your car. Having your own stash of money and knowing the types of accounts you need for short term and long term safety and security in independence. A person with their own money carries a tremendous amount of innate confidence that can’t be shaken by much.
- Emotional and social health. Socializing and having heartfelt connective conversations with friends and family are vital to our overall health. Unprocessed emotions take on many ugly forms in the manifestation of a disease, pain, and other unwanted health conditions. It’s absolutely in your best interest to get out with friends to laugh and cry, listen and talk. We are, at our very core, social and tribal beings, and the rapid increase of technological devices everywhere in our lives have removed some of what used to connect us face to face. In other ways, it’s provided more ways for us to communicate, but face to face is always best. If you’re starting to feel irritated, stagnant and moody, take yourself out and enjoy the company of others.
- Physical health. Move your body. It’s no secret anywhere that we need to move, every day, throughout the day. Walking and stretching are some of the most basic forms of movement that most people can do anywhere. Other bodyweight exercises can be incorporated in, but going for a walk every day is something most of us can benefit immensely from. Being physically strong and fit is one of the greatest gifts we can give to ourselves, and to those around us.
Physical, emotional, social and financial health are some of the very basics of life that need tending to most, especially when motherhood takes over time and energy.
It’s so easy to put off the things for yourself in lieu of taking care of everyone else around you, but in order to care for those around you, you must first and foremost take proper care of yourself, in all areas. Letting one area slip quickly affects the other areas, and before you know it, you’ve lost your sense of self, confidence, and organization.