*Product received. Opinions are my own. My floors in my kitchen area get SO dirty, very quickly. I have to clean them twice a day, sometimes more. We live out in the country and my husband works on a ranch, so when he comes home, his boots are dirty! I always have to get after…Keep Reading
Clean Your Window Sills Quickly #GooGone
When you do crafts a lot (like I used to do!) or if you have small children, you know about messes. I seem to have messes all over my home, no matter how hard I try to clean :/ With colder weather coming soon (we live in Idaho so we get cold weather quickly!), I…Keep Reading
Organic & Fair Trade Bed Sheets Review
*Product received. Opinions are my own. There is something about new bed sheets on my bed. I love it when I put on fresh sheets and seem to sleep so much better at night! I recently received some wonderful organic & fair trade bed sheets from SOL Organics to check out. They arrived in a…Keep Reading
What Are The Milk Paint Colors?
*What Are The Milk Paint Colors? Products received. Opinions are my own. I don’t know why, but since moving to Idaho, I have been interested in redoing furniture and finding fun ways to decorate my new home. It is so much fun and I am finding it to be so exciting to do this projects!…Keep Reading
Relax In A Luxurious Whirlpool Bathtub!
*Thank you to Mansfield Plumbing for providing a whirlpool bathtub for my review. All opinions are my own. To relax in a luxurious whirlpool bathtub is everyone’s dream after a long day of work, right? I never used to take baths, ever. Growing up, I had 6 other siblings to share two bathrooms with and the…Keep Reading
Home Party Edition On Blu-ray+DVD+Digital HD #HomeInsiders
*Product will be received. This post includes my affiliate links. This is a feature only. Home Party Edition On Blu-ray+DVD+Digital HD Let’s get the party started!!! Dreamworks Animations Home , arrived on Digital HD on June 26th and Blu-ray 3D, Blu-ray and DVD July 28th!!! Yay! Been waiting to see this. My kids and hubby…Keep Reading
Inspire Your Living Space With Lush Decor!
Congrats to Jackie Scott This is a partnered post. Opinions are my own. Well, it is a New Year and everyone is busy making their new years resolutions (or trying to keep them!). Me, I am making a new year resolution to get my home organized and pretty looking! What better way to start this…Keep Reading