It would be naive to say that life is great all of the time. Especially after yesterday’s episode of Trump almost being assassinated. What a crazy world we are all living in…
And for some, it can get much more challenging to handle and really pretty painful. The tricky thing is knowing how to support people when they need it. When you see someone struggling whether it is from an addiction, just having a hard time or day, or feeling unloved, please just reach out to them! Let that person know you care about them! Spend a little time listening to someone talk and just LISTEN!
Be there for the person or persons who need it the most. Sometimes those people will NOT ever reach out and so it might be up to YOU to take the first step! Text that person, show up at their home, and ask if you can do something for them. Bring them lunch or dinner.
Just do something POSITIVE for them! This world NEEDS that so badly right now! Below are tips on Helping People Through Tough Times.
It might be something that is like changing, like needing to head to a heroin detox center, it might be something like they’re having a tough time at work. Whatever it is, you can be there for any sickness, crisis, and tear shed. It is essential that you don’t take other people’ upon yourself, so give yourself quiet time after any support sessions that you provide.
Helping People Through Tough Times
When you know someone is going through something, but you choose to stop speaking to them for fear of saying the wrong thing. Something is sometimes better than nothing.
Silence will tell them that you are avoiding them, and the chances are you won’t recover from those moments. There are so many ways to get in touch with people now, that saying you didn’t know how to won’t really cut it either.
Don’t Wait
You know that they need help. Waiting it out until they ask, will mean they will feel like they actually can’t come to you at all. And while sometimes it might be tempting to make people feel that humbled (for example when arrogant people get a bit of a wake-up call), it’s actually not great karma for you.
If you know you can help them with something, and it won’t take you much to do it, then simply offer. Invite them over for dinner, offer to pick up groceries because you’re doing your own anyway, and babysit the kids. Whatever it is – just offer.
There is a difference between active listening and waiting for your moment to talk. When someone is talking to you about their problems.
The stuff that really is getting to them, waiting until they take a breath to jump in with advice and anecdotes, isn’t usually that helpful.
Letting them talk, and just making encouraging noises and gestures will give them more room to get everything out. Active listening is a skill that is learned over time, and it doesn’t come easily to everyone.
Who They Are
While there are a lot of tips that could be used, like don’t make jokes, or don’t offer advice, you should remember that you know the person well.
So where one person might need you to be super serious and silently listen, another might require you to make a joke that helps lift the mood.
Support rarely comes in just one form, and when people are really going through something, regardless of whether it can be minimized or played down by others, knowing you are there for them will mean a lot.
Helping people through tough times is a lot about giving some love, making a safe space, and just listening. The more often you help people out, the more happiness and love you spread – and who doesn’t want to see more of that in the world?