I know I blog a lot about beauty products, and it is because I absolutely LOVE them (check out the magnetic eyelashes!!!). I am so passionate about keeping the appearance of my skin, young-looking and pretty. I don’t want to age, but unfortunately, aging is inevitable for us all.
However, I can certainly slow down the aging process! I have been doing this lately with the At-Home NIRA Precision Skincare Laser.
*This post includes my affiliate links.
The NIRA Precision Skincare Laser helps reduce the signs of aging, at home. No, this device is not for laser hair removal. Usually, when I hear about skincare lasers, it is for hair. Not this one! It is for your fine lines and wrinkles!
No more going in to get this procedure done. You can do it conveniently at home! That is what I love about this device so much! I am so happy that more companies are making at-home lasers and devices for us, aren’t you?
At-Home NIRA Precision Skincare Laser
I have been using the NIRA Precision Skincare Laser for about 3-4 weeks, once every day. I do it at night, after my bath and while I am watching T.V. It is easy to use, but I definitely recommend reading the directions BEFORE using any device you first get.
First, make sure that your NIRA Precision Skincare Laser is fully charged. Just plug it in and let it charge up. After it is fully charged you can then use it. Read the instructions and make sure you fully understand how to use this device!
Hey You! Wash Your Face!
Make sure your face is clean and free from any oils, makeup, and moisturizers. A clean face is a must! When your face is clean and you are ready to use the at-home Skincare Laser, sit in a relaxing spot and make sure you have a mirror so you can look into it and see where you are lasering! This is important! I use a mirror that stands up on my bed for my convenience.
Reject Point (Yes, it’s a thing!)
Next, power on your at-home skincare laser device. It is important to detect the ‘reject point‘. You do this by holding the skincare laser away from your skin (NO skin contact), pressing and releasing the treatment button.
You will hear a set of quick low-pitched beeps indicating a rejection pulse. This will help you to identify when the skincare laser is not in contact with your skin and is not lasering your skin properly.
The rejection tone indicates that the tip of the laser was not in direct contact with your skin. If you happen to hear this sound during the treatment of your skin, just reposition the laser tip to ensure it is in full contact with your skin and try again.
Test Your At-Home Skincare Laser Treatment Level
Now it’s time to test your at-home skincare laser treatment level. You should really only have to do this the first time, because, after the first time, you will be more familiar with the treatment levels and how your skin can handle them. It will become easier and quicker, promise! The first time is longer because you are learning!
Treatment Time! (Here We Go!)
Press and release the power button to select the power level. Select the level at ONE for your first treatment (you can go up from there as you see fit, but for now, select level one!).
Next, place the at-home skincare laser on your skin where you want to start treatment (make sure it is in full contact with your skin!!) and press and release the treatment button.
You will hear a series of two beeps. The first beep indicates that the laser has begun treatment and the second beep indicates that the laser finished treatment for that one spot.
Now, just repeat this process and you can increase the intensity level to your comfort level until you have reached a level that you feel comfortable using. It should never hurt, so keep that in mind!
Using your chosen power level, hold the device tip against the tip, starting at the out corner of your eye. Press and release the treatment button while holding the skincare laser in place until you hear those two beeps!
Then, reposition the device so it is slightly overlapping the area you just treated, then press and release the treatment button again. Repeat this process for 40 pulses in each eye area.
Once the 40 pulses are completed you will hear a series of three, fast-paced jingle-like tones that indicate the treatment for that eye is complete. Then, do your other eye the same way.
When you are finished with your treatment, simply press and hold down the power button until the NIRA logo and power indicator lights shut off.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Use The Skincare Laser On Other Places Too!
Though they JUST came out with the NIRA PRO Skincare Laser (for larger areas of your body, yay!!), you can also use the skin care laser device on other areas of your face and body too! I use it around my mouth, under my eyes, under my chin, and on my temples.
It is safe for all skin types and if you have dark skin, you can use it too. You can use the laser 2 times per day to accelerate results. Simply wait at least one minute between treatments.
What Does It Feel Like? Does It Hurt?
It should NEVER hurt if it does you are doing it wrong. The NIRA Skincare Laser feels like a warm pulsing sensation on your skin. It should feel warm, not hot, and you should not feel discomfort.
There are five settings that you can adjust the laser to your comfort level; note, higher power is not necessarily better. As long as you feel warmth during a treatment, you are getting the benefits of the Skincare Laser.
Is The NIRA Skincare Laser Safe?
Safety is certainly a big thing and NIRA takes this seriously! The NIRA Skincare Laser is safe to use and has been tested clinically on hundreds of women and men. The USA Food and Drug Administration (FDA) cleared the NIRA Skincare Laser as both safe and effective to use.
No Sensitivity Or Complications
Since using my at-home NIRA Skincare Laser I have not personally faced any complications or side effects from using it. However, everyone is different! Some people might get some temporary redness immediately after using the skincare laser.
This will usually fade within a few minutes or if you are super sensitive, it might take 1-2 hours to go away. You can always double-check the NIRA instructions for a full list of possible side effects too.
My Personal Experience Using The NIRA Precision Skincare Laser
I really really like this NIRA Precision Skincare Laser. It is so simple to use and once you get the hang of it, the treatments go by quickly! As I said above, I have been using this device for about 3-4 weeks now.
I love how energized my face feels after a full treatment (eyes, temples, mouth lines, and neck area). I may even start using this on my hands too.
I like that I can use it anywhere. It is portable and small enough to carry in a day bag. My comfort level is level 2 for now. That is the most comfortable setting for me. Yours may be higher (or lower!) and that is okay. It is not supposed to hurt you to get the job done, remember that!
After I do my treatments, I have been slathering on the NIRA Advanced Hyaluronic Acid Serum to moisturize, nourish and protect my skin. This serum absorbs quickly and leaves my face soft feeling and refreshed. I really like this serum.
My Before And After Pictures
So far, since using this for only about 3-4 weeks, the only thing I am noticing so far is my skin is less saggy looking. I don’t really have lines around my eyes however, the lines I DO have, seem softer.
The lines around my mouth are in need of more treatments before I notice something. Under my chin where I feel I have a double chin coming on, it is still in progress.
I will definitely keep this post updated with my results, so you can all make an educated decision on buying this device. I always love honest feedback and pictures to show actual results.
So, I will also update with pictures as I see more progress with this at-home skincare laser device! I know you all appreciate the pictures!
You can’t really see a difference yet, but I know I can certainly FEEL a difference so far!
For right now, I really am liking this device. I FEEL like it is working and like I said above, the lines that I do have around my eyes are softer looking. My face just feels healthier too.
They say to use this device daily for 90 days (or more) and to enhance your results use this device twice a day, so keep that in mind! Good things take time, so give it a chance to work before you throw in the towel. That is with any skin care device in my opinion.
The at-home NIRA Skincare Laser is great for those pesky fine lines that you see creeping up around your eyes, forehead, and mouth.
It helps build collagen and plumps up those fine lines. Professional laser treatments are SO expensive, so this at-home skincare laser device is so worth it to me.
Technology sure has come a long way and I am so thankful because now my body, especially my face, can now look better but appear to be aging way slower! I know this is all cosmetic stuff, but it certainly can help you feel better about your appearance as you are aging!
Shop The At-Home NIRA Precision Skincare Laser (& Discount Code!)
If you are thinking about purchasing the NIRA Precision Skincare Laser, you can visit them online. They retail for $449 but you can use my coupon code: SHOPWITHMEMAMA at checkout to receive 20% Off NIRA products/devices!
Cost Too Much?
Then there is another route you can go! NIRA allows you to make payments with their 6-month payment program. Be sure to check that out (no credit checks!).
Rhapsodie McClintick says
This seems like something great to try, the trouble is the use time…BUT that may not be bad with consistent use training.
Kim says
It literally takes about 3-5 minutes to use once you get the hang of it!! Totally worth it 🙂