Like I said before, I have a small stash of cloth diapers for when I run out of disposable diapers or when we are just at home and I want to use them. I love all the ones I have and have been pleased this far, with them. Then I heard about another cloth diaper…Keep Reading
Silver Flames All in One Entertainer
*Product was received. Opinions are mine. This post includes my affiliate links. Yes, my little one can walk. Heavens, he has been walking since 10 months but really started running around at the 11 month mark. He was an early one! My other two did not start walking until 13 and 14 months. I think…Keep Reading
Graco Glider LX Gliding Swing
I have lots of baby gear around the home like the Graco Glider LX Gliding Swing! It is a great baby swing to soothe your baby.
Pish Posh Baby is taking pre-orders on some great products!
Pish Posh Baby is taking pre-orders on some amazing products. Pish Posh Baby Carries tons of baby products from strollers to other baby care items.
Pampers’ Celebrating Firsts #SwaddlersFirsts #DDDivas
I am totally sure by now, that everyone who reads my blog, knows how much I love Pampers. I have used Pampers with all of my kids and have never had any issues with them. They are, by far, the best diapers I have used. I choose the Pampers Swaddlers for my little one/s because…Keep Reading
Check Out This Hot New Baby Registry!
*Check Out This Hot New Baby Registry! This post is brought to you by Pish Posh Baby. Check Out This Hot New Baby Registry! Now, starting your baby registry is simple!! The new Pish Posh Baby Registry allows you to find the products your baby will need (and you!) and add them to your registry…Keep Reading
Baby Einstein Musical Motions Activity Jumper
*Baby Einstein Musical Motions Activity Jumper. This review was made possible by Double Duty Divas and Kids II. This post includes my affiliate links. My little baby is not so dang little anymore! He loves crawling everywhere, standing up to look at things and I am eagerly (or not?) waiting for him to take those first precious steps!!…Keep Reading
Kolcraft Step Starter 2-in-1 Walker
The Kolcraft Step Starter 2-in-1 Walker is unique from other walkers as it grows with your baby. It can be a walker or it can be a walk-behind walker! This is great for teaching baby how to take those steps easily, with something to hold on to!
Radio Flyer EZ Fold Stroll ‘N Trike (Review)
We love our Radio Flyer EZ Fold Stroll ‘N Trike! All bet you had a little red wagon, growing up. I did! And man that little wagon went EVERYWHERE with me and my siblings! Not to mention down HUGE hills too! Oh dear, we all had a few tumbles out of that wagon too! Lots…Keep Reading
Joovy Zoom 360 Jogging Stroller Review!
*Joovy Zoom 360 Jogging Stroller Review. I am a Joovy Mom and product was received. This post includes my affiliate links. I have reviewed a few strollers in the past. There is one that I still use and absolutely love, but now that I am getting back into jogging and exercising, I needed a stroller…Keep Reading