*Updated for 2024
Today we are talking about 26 Ways To Declutter Your Home Right Now (+ a Free Declutter Your Home Checklist)! Being a stay-at-home mom, I notice EVERYTHING. I have been noticing So. Much. Clutter!!! It is driving me BONKERS!
I knew we had a lot of stuff, but when you are stuck inside you start noticing it a lot more! GAH. So, I came up with 26 ways to declutter your home right now.
These are the best decluttering tips that I have found work so well for me. So far, I have decluttered ONE room of my home.
Hey, that is a start and I am super happy with that! Decluttering your entire house can take time, but it will be so worth it in the end! Sometimes it just feels SO good to downsize on that clutter!
I also created a decluttering checklist for your entire home, which you will find towards the bottom of this blog post! The free printable declutter checklist can be downloaded and will help you so much on your decluttering home journey!
*This post includes my Amazon affiliate links
What Is Decluttering?
Decluttering is the process of removing excess items from your physical and mental space. It involves identifying what is important in your life and what is not, and letting go of the latter.
Decluttering aims to create a simpler and more organized life and to reduce stress, anxiety, and distractions. It may take a lot of time, but you don’t have to do it all in one day!
Why Should I Declutter My Home?
Here are some of the benefits of decluttering:
*Reduces Stress and Anxiety: Clutter can cause stress and anxiety, especially when it feels like it’s taking over your space.
Decluttering can help you regain control over your surroundings and reduce the stress that comes with feeling overwhelmed. Home organization and decluttering will help you reduce your stress and anxiety.
*Increases Productivity: A cluttered environment can be distracting, making it difficult to focus on tasks. Decluttering can help create a more organized and productive workspace, allowing you to focus on what’s important.
*Saves Time: Decluttering everyday items can help you save time by making it easier to find what you need when you need it.
Instead of searching through piles of clutter, you can quickly locate what you need, saving time and reducing frustration. Give yourself a set amount of time each day to declutter and you will be done in no time. Also, be sure to give yourself a decluttering deadline!
*Increases Happiness: Decluttering can help increase happiness by creating a more positive and organized environment. Less stuff and less clutter always make one feel better.
*Supports Good Habits: Decluttering can help you develop good habits, such as regularly cleaning and organizing your space.
How to Declutter My Home
Decluttering can be a daunting task and hard work, but with a plan, some decluttering tasks, and persistence, it can be done. Here are some steps to help you get started:
*Identify the Problem Areas: The first step to decluttering is to identify the problem areas in your space. This is the easiest way to get started. This could be a cluttered closet, a disorganized desk, or a messy kitchen.
*Set A Few Goals: By setting some achievable goals, you will be able to stay focused on what you are decluttering. I like to use a checklist (see the free decluttering your home printable checklist below!) to help me set my goals and stay on track.
*Make a Plan: Plan out how you will declutter each area, including what items you will keep, donate, or throw away. Create a donate pile and a throwaway pile. his will help prevent feeling overwhelmed and allow you to focus on making progress.
*Organize: Once you’ve decluttered, it’s important to organize the items you’re keeping. This will help you maintain a clutter-free environment and make it easier to find what you need.
*Maintain: Finally, it’s important to maintain the changes you’ve made. Regularly evaluate your space and remove any items that are no longer necessary or needed. This will help clutter from building up again keep your mind sane and help you maintain your decluttering goals.
26 Ways To Declutter Your Home Right Now + Declutter Your Home Checklist
There are a TON of ways to start decluttering your home. Tons! I picked my TOP 26 ways to declutter your home tips and listed them below for your convenience.
The hardest part is getting started but once you do, it will become easier. These suggestions come from real people like you and me! (Duh…).
So, whether you are starting on your medicine cabinet, kitchen, or bedroom, below are some great ideas to get your home clutter-free in no time!
The end goal is to have an orderly fashion in your home and help you along your decluttering journey. Woop woop! So, without further ado…
Ways To Declutter Your Home: Let’s start, shall we???
1. Pick which room or area of your home you want to start in. It is a good idea to take EVERYTHING out of that room like you are moving away (yes, this means closets too!!) and slowly put things back into that room while going through it thoroughly. Once everything is back inside that room, your room should be clutter-free and CLEAN. Oh, how I love the word CLEAN!!
2. Do ONE room at a time!! So many times I started decluttering one room and then it became two or three rooms at one time. That is a HUGE no-no!! Why? Because you will get overwhelmed and confused!
I get super confused when I am doing too many things at once and then I don’t want to complete those things. So, doing ONE room at a time (like the laundry room) will make things way easier on your brain and YOU.
3. Do the Marie Kondo Method! This is certainly NOT for everyone, but if you are not familiar with her decluttering method, then you can check it out HERE (or you can watch it below!).
I tried it one time in our bedroom. I even rolled up the clothes and put everything back into our drawers. It took me all day to do it! Several weeks later, the clothes were all undone and messy again! Thanks, hubby!
She also has you ask yourself if an item brings you joy. If the item doesn’t spark joy, you get rid of it. Easy enough, right? Check out her methods by clicking the link above or watching the video below!
4. If an item has no use to you or any use to a family member or you, chuck it out! We have tons of old shoes, children’s toys and so many unnecessary items lying around, so we will be getting rid of ALL of them.
Giving things to Goodwill or others in need, who can use the item/s you don’t want any longer is also a nice way of getting rid of things. I am always giving things away for free. Makes me feel good 🙂
5. Declutter when your spouse and kids are not around! I know that right now, that is not an option, but oh man the things I get rid of when I don’t have people around me saying how much they need that item or how they will be using that item soon!
Rolling my eyes to the back of my brain and back is what I do! Gah! I find that decluttering when I am alone is SO much easier to do! I get rid of so much stuff and no one even notices!
6. Invite a friend or family member over to your home to help you. You don’t want someone who lives with you to help you because well, see number 5, above. It just won’t work!
However, inviting someone over to help you declutter and get rid of things is so helpful. It is helpful because it can help you decide what is worth keeping and what isn’t.
They can talk some sense into you and they may have new ideas on how to declutter and spruce things up around your home. A fresh set of eyes and a good brain sometimes make the world of a difference!
7. If you haven’t used it in a year, you never will so give it to someone who will use it!
8. Choose a room and dust it! Dust and clean EVERYTHING in that room. This is a different way to approach decluttering a room! You start by doing a different chore and slowly get into the decluttering aspect of it.
A different approach is oftentimes the best approach because you almost trick your brain into thinking it is doing something else! Ha! Hey, you gotta be sneaky at times!
9. Go through your dresser drawers and tackle that drawer where you keep clothes that will fit you one day! No! Take those damn clothes out and donate them!
Keep ONE piece of clothing from that drawer and let that be a healthy reminder to you that though you did not keep those other clothes, you did keep this one and you CAN lose that weight and eventually fit into that piece of clothing again. You can declutter to motivate your weight loss! Who knew that was possible!!
10. Go through each room of your home. Put things that you do not want any longer in cardboard boxes, storage containers, or a trash bag and store them in an empty room (ya right!), garage, or shop until ALL the rooms in your home are uncluttered and clean.
Go to that room where you stored all your unwanted stuff and have a garage sale! If you don’t want to deal with a garage sale (too much work in my opinion!), then sell the stuff online OR give it away to friends, family, or a women’s shelter.
11. Rent a dumpster! This may sound weird, but if you have a really cluttered living space, sometimes this is the only route to go. Dumpster rentals are also much more affordable than junk haulers, especially if you have an ongoing decluttering project.
Renting a dumpster and just chucking all the things you absolutely do not need that are not in good condition. Grab everything else and donate it!
12. Make it a goal to get rid of one bag of unwanted items a week until your home is completely uncluttered! This is an easy way to slowly declutter your home without getting overwhelmed.
13. Take care of the clutter you can see first. We tend to have a lot of clutter in our living room and on our coffee table. Our home office is jam-packed with stuff I need to go through too, ugh.
After that is gone, you can then tackle the closets, dressers, under the beds, etc. This is another easier way to get your home decluttering without losing your mind!
14. At the end of every year, go through your clothes. If you have not worn certain clothes for longer than 3 months, get rid of them. This is a great way to slowly declutter all your clothing items. You can also do this at the end of each season!
15. Start with one room. Put everything inside that room that you do not want or are unsure about in ONE pile. Either toss it, donate it, or sell it.
16. Keep a ‘donate‘ box by your front door and fill it up as you go through the day, week to week. At the end of the month, take it to Goodwill or give it to a shelter for women or homeless people. Do this EVERY month until your home is the way you want it.
17. Take it SLOW. Some people (like me!) get burned out by starting out quickly and trying to do things quickly or all at once. Take it slow, do one room at a time and you will get there!
18. Have three storage bins for throwing stuff away, one for donating, and one for putting in storage.
19. After you are finished decluttering your home, try and declutter twice a year from then on. That way, your home will NEVER get that cluttered again. I have to do this!
20. Make a vision board and get excited to declutter your home! Really get ‘into’ the whole process by watching hoarders (haha!!) and watching YouTube videos on how to organize your home quickly.
21. Make a ‘decluttering‘ playlist of your favorite music and get to it! Music always helps me work more efficiently and I tend to get more done!
22. List the stuff you don’t want anymore on a ‘Buy Nothing‘ Facebook group in your area. This is a GREAT way to get rid of unwanted items quickly, to people who actually WANT them! Just search on Facebook ‘Buy Nothing‘ and then put your town/city in. That should pull one up in your area!
23. Start at the beginning of the month with one room. Get rid of one item on day one. Day two, get rid of two items out of that room.
Day 3, get rid of 3 items, and so on until you get to the end of the month. By the end of the month, you should have gotten rid of tons of items! Great way to start the decluttering process!
24. Get rid of an item before you buy a new item. This is a great way to keep clutter under control.
25. If you want to declutter your home quickly, get several big boxes or garbage bags. Put one in each room that you want to declutter and then quickly go through each room and put everything you don’t use or want, in those boxes/bags.
Once the bags/boxes are full, take them to the Goodwill or donate/throw them away. Do this once a week until those rooms are decluttered! I actually really love this idea so much.
26. Do 30 days to declutter your home challenge. If you look on Pinterest you will find tons of FREE printables with the 30-day challenges on them so you can cross them off as you go. It is always nice to actually SEE something in print, guiding you through the whole process.
If, after going through my helpful tips of 26 Ways To Declutter Your Home Right Now, you still don’t have an idea of how to declutter your home, then I am sorry, but I cannot help you! Haha!
The best way to declutter your home is by just doing it!!! I know it is a big job, but you can do it, promise! Here is a FREE 28 Day’s To A Clutter-free and Clean Home, for you to print out and use.
This decluttering list is simple to use! Just follow the prompts on the free declutter your home checklist and cross them off as you go through the days.
Easy peasy! Let me know which room you start in! Download and print the ultimate declutter list of things HERE!
Decluttering is a process of simplifying your life by removing piles of items and creating a more organized and peaceful environment.
It offers numerous benefits, including reducing stress and anxiety, increasing productivity, saving time, and supporting good habits.
By following the steps of identifying problem areas, setting goals, making a plan, and being ruthless in your decluttering efforts, you can simplify your life and improve your overall well-being which can make a huge difference in your life.
Remember, decluttering is not just about cleaning your physical space, but also about decluttering your mental space. By letting go of what no longer serves you, you can focus on what truly matters, leading to a more fulfilling life!
Let me know if you download my Declutter Your Home Checklist! I would love to know how it helped you! Good luck to you!